Barkri Zivrabal



2 years, 2 months ago


alias Bark, Barki

Origin - Barkri is a member of Zivrabal clan, in the leading family's lineage to be exact. They're a species of ghalla called Nahrmakka (about which you'll probably one day be able to read about on Spoonchomper's page, but let's say they're the quirky ones). He's got 4 siblings (tba) and only one of them possesses braincells (to her misfortune).

Proper himbo - To put it bluntly, Barkri has the body of a god. A perfect specimen in every way regarding physical performance; he's both a great fighter and a gymnast (very flexible boi) when it comes to it. He also likes collecting things so in order to be able to carry more at a time he has grown very strong and can lift surprisingly heavy objects, even for his size standards. Talk about his size, the guy is also in the titan category (arabelean ghalla thing) meaning he's close to 3m in height. So perfectly fit, perfectly proportional, peak physical abilities and perfect face, always sporting a friendly smile. Thing is though, there's nothing going on behind those pretty eyes of his. He can barely read and write (people barely figured out he's dyslexic on top of that) and is just overall a dumbass, but a loveable one :) .

Task?? Yessir! - Barkri has always been a hyperactive child (and adult) and always needs to be doing something to pass his time. In versions (AUs) where he attends school, he's the one in every club there is and goes on every sport and competition available. He doesn't do this out of some need to compete though, just more so to be able to participate, so for him it doesn't matter if its a wrestling or gymnastics competition which he absolutely destroys or a physics one or a chess tournament in which he'll happily take the participation badge. In his childhood, his parents were quick to learn that making him clean the house or give him literally any chore is no punishment for him, and that instead, they should just have him banned from doing anything for a certain time period when he misbehaves enough to deserve it. The only thing that makes him happier than just doing things is doing things with other people whether they like it or not.

Your biggest fan - Other ghalla have differing opinions when it comes to Barkri, but it most often goes as such: they see a very friendly looking (and handsome) guy, either of them initiate a conversation for any reason, and then it's either they avoid Bark cause he's just too much for some people and varying levels of weird or they vibe with it for whatever reason and maintain a relationship. Regardless, Barkri will always treat people kindly and offer help (more things to do hehe), with only one known individual he can confidently say he's "not really a fan of." No matter the AU in question though, he will always be best friends with Alexendrei and loyal to him to the death. The two of them are always a strange sight to see, a Nahrmakka with a Syllkheret, both titan sized, one happy bubbly smiling dummy, other one a stone faced ghost person. On average, they speak a healthy amount of words around people. 

design note: the circles around his eyes are a natural marking, not eyebags or any lack of sleep thing

date of creation (earliest mention of character): 12/5/2019