Alexendrei 'Sno' Ferredin



2 years, 9 months ago



Clothing basics

Name: Alexendrei(used by non-nomads), Atra(Nomadic)
Age: ~19 years old
Sex: Male
Species: Scetarghalla(Arabelean), Nomadic-Tarterran mix
Place of birth: Arabelean province Tarterra
Status: Enslaved, exotic pet/bodyguard of Princess Maria

Calculating ✦ Logical ✦ Protective ✦ Quiet ✦ Stoic ✦ Strategizing

Fighting pits
Exotic pet
Sno willingly went into exile, as he was involved in a horrific tragedy in his homeland. He is convinced he is completely to blame for what happened. Driven by guilt, he accepted his fate as a slave but still yearns to venture back north in search of redemption and answers.

He is very careful to reveal information about his past, as slipping up at the wrong moment could cost him his life.
As a Syllhkeret, Sno is considered a rare find by the slave traders' standards. Given his size and strength potential, he was quickly auctioned to the owners of underground fighting pits in Auritas. Sno spend few years fighting for his life in these pits and was treated like a main circus attraction. The silver lining of the situation is that his captors, in order to keep their image and reputation, fed him well and forced him into training, which in turn allowed his body to properly develop and gain muscle. A side effect of the countless fights is that Sno feels little to no remorse when hurting or killing his opponents.
Due to Maria's whims, she and Andromeda snuck into the fighting pits and Sno caught Maria's eye during a fight. The princess decided then and there that she must own him at all costs. After a failed bargaining attempt, Maria broke Sno out of his chains and led him to the surface with Andromeda's help. Currently Sno lives in the White palace, serving as Maria's 'pet' and bodyguard.
While this new position is less physically strenuous, dealing with Maria is just as exhausting.

Sno is outwardly very cold and "robotic". It's unclear how much his Syllkheretism influences his personality, though he claims that there is no correlation. Above all he is concerned about the practicality and precision of things. Years of fighting for survival have left him with a general dislike for other ghalla and a desire to spend most(if not all) of his time alone. Andromeda and Maria have noted many times that his way of doing things is "weird, but does the job". Sno prefers to speak as little as possible, since the damaged areas of his face make it very uncomfortable. Luckily for him, Maria is there to do ALL of the talking.
Another side effect of his time spent in the fighting pits is his inability to show or receive affection, though he tries his best for Maria's sake. He's learned that fulfilling her every whim is the best way to show that he cares.

Maria: His role as Maria's exotic pet swiftly evolved. As time passed, Sno would feel more and more that it's his duty to ensure Maria's safety and happiness. Sno is very protective of her, and would gladly kill and give his life for her. His devotion to Maria touched her heart and she does all that she can to make his life in the hot desert as comfortable as possible. Sno took on the responsibility of administering her medicine and being a comforting presence in her life. Now they are pretty much inseparable.
Andromeda: His prior knowledge of the Deities of Eraden and seeing how Andromeda interacts with them makes Sno weary of her and her abilities. Though he still sees her as a good friend and a necessary ally.
Grand Priest Thorntail: Sno's dislike of the man is dismissed as jealousy by everyone around him, including Maria.

Barkri Zivrabal: Barkri is probably the only person Sno could truly consider to be a friend. Sno deeply regrets never being able to express how much Barkri's companionship means to him. They haven't seen each other ever since Sno was exiled, so he worries what image of him remained in Barkri's mind. He will find out when if he returns home.
Everyone else: He sees danger in every corner, every nook and cranny. He will not hesitate to annihilate anything and anyone posing a threat.

Why is he so goshdarn large?
If it weren't for Variga's "divine intervention", Alexendrei would've stayed the short, frail Syllkheret that he was supposed to be. Eventually he'd develop some muscles, if he took after his nomadic father(a short but strong man). Sadly Variga had other plans. In his later teens Alexensrei began growing and still hasn't really stopped. Shortly he was tall enough to be considered a Titan(more about Titans in a separate profile soon...). By the time he stops growing he will be 3m tall, which is the tallest a Ghalla can be without collapsing in on himself. Whether his size is a gift or a curse is up for debate. Sno considers it to be the latter.


  • Sno has one and a half of an expression.
  • His jaws and teeth are strong enough to decapitate.
  • He adores all having to do with numbers and patterns and should be credited for Maria's 'extraordinary' academic success.
  • Due to previous trauma he hates being touched.
  • He has a phobia of Carmedil Hounds.
  • Sno greatly dislikes using nicknames, instead opting out for full names, no matter the occasion. If he really likes a person, he will only use their first name.
  • He can be bribed with honey cakes