Àn Hé 暗合 (Lily) (1)



7 months, 3 days ago



Name Àn Hé 暗合
Age adult
Gender female
Occupation dragon hunter? kind of? also a waitress
Role another idiot
Shares braincells with Hé huā 荷花, her girlfriend
Alignment ask her. She'll hit you with her bow, probably

Vega loves to spend his time playing the harp or embroidering. He is very creative but also rather self-conscious and unsure of his own skills. He is gentle , thoughtful and while he enjoys the company of others he doesn’t talk a lot since he is rather shy.

He is a professional musician and pays the harp in an orchestra. Vega has a talent for music and  likes learning to play new instuments.


  • tea- Vega loves tea, but he tends to add a lot of milk and sugar to his.
  • palying the harp and embroidering- He is very knowledgeable and skilled in playing the harp and embroidering but he is unsure of his own skills and very self-conscious about them. He is great at embroidering. Most of his friends got embroidered handkerchiefs with their names at some point
  • his mother's cupcake and chocholate cake recipes
  • content


  • Flying- Vega is very bad at flying- he lacks grace the rest of winged creatures seem to have- and is very self-conscious about it
  • riding a motorbike- Vega's older brother tried to teach him. Vega still has nightmares about it. 
  • playing on weddings- it seems like everyone wants him to play exactly the same pieces over and over again.
  • content


Vega is definitely a people-person, but he tends to be very awkward. He is a good listener, and will give advice if he can, but he struggles when talking about himself- he enjoys just staying quiet and listening to others.

He likes busy places with lots of people , but despite that he prefers more laid-back hobbies such as embroidering or star gazing. Still he doesn’t like to be alone so usually he tries to talk one of his friends into accompanying him. He is usually engaged in his thoughts, and tries to be very precise in his speech- mostly because he fears being misunderstood and offend anyone. Vega hates conflict and is more likely to just agree to something he doesn’t want to do than argue.  He is also unlikely to speak up to correct someone unless he feels very comfortable around them.

He is very sensitive, selfless and kind, but tends to be too idealistic and not enough down-to earth. He is very uncertain and fears failure so he spends a lot of time second-guessing himself.  Vega is usually absent-minded and disorganized.

- His voice is very soft- it’s barely audible when more people are speaking at once. He rarely speaks, unless asked.

- He spends a lot of time taking care of his wings- his feathers are in a great shape and he is very proud of that.

- Vega makes most of his own clothes. He made few items of clothing for his friends as gifts for special occasions.


Samsara  [ significant other ]


Eric  [ ex-boyfriend ]

Vega and Eric used to be best  friends since their first year in music school as children. Eric, a violin player used to practice with Vega resulting in a whole webside containg their old duet recordings they made as they were still learning to play their respective instuments. They were motivating each other to get to the conservatory together, so they can pursue music as a career. Their biggest childhood dream was to play in an orchestra together.

During their first year in conservatory, Vega and Eric became a couple. Yet, the antics which they easily ignored while being friends couldn't be accepted once they started living together. Their  relationship worsened after barely few months and developed into hate and resentment leading to its end. 

Eric and Vega play in the same orchestra, and whenever hanging out with their mutual friends, they are to be kept as far from each other as possible- neither Vega or Eric can keep their civil facades in any other situation that during a performance. 

-Eric was the first friend Vega ever made. 


Gil [ friend ]

A friend and owner of a small café in the center of the city, they met when Vega was going through a breakup with Eric. Apparently, Gil's tea is enought to lift ones spirit even in the worst of times. They talk very often.


Elijah  [ older bother ]

Since Vega got adopted by Brigitte, he and Elijah became inseparable. Elijah attemped to teach Vega how to ride a motorbike but with truly terrible results.

Elijah is very rebelious and was very impressed by his mother's criminal past. He attempted to join a gang few times.

He is very adept in transporting a harp on his motorbike.

He was follwing his younger siblings whenever they went on dates. As secretly as he could, so not very. He would sit behind them in cinema, take a spot he could easily control the situation from in restaurant, and trail behind them in the zoo. 


Nicola  [ younger brother ]

Vega's younger brother. They love to watch sci-fi TV series together. Especially the really bad, very obscure ones.


Brigitte  [ mother ]

Vega's mom, ex-mercenary and  an owner of a newly opened café "Magical cupcake" who tries very hard to hide all the guns and rifles she owns in her wardrobe.  She adopted him when Vega was in primary school.

Apparently Brigitte's cupcake recipe is the best in the city. She is often asked about this recipe and the recipe for her chocolate cake- she never reveals these, but instead she tells completely impossible stories about how she acquired them. And she never told the same story twice.

After breaking up with Eric and moving out of their shared apartment, Vega returned to live with Brigitte and his siblings. Eric might have been hospitalized at that point of the time.

-She taught Vega to make clothes and embroider. 

-Vega knows about Brigitte's past as a criminal.

-She told her adopted children she was a pirate and they all believed that for a very long time.

-Brigitte is convinced that Vega is too thin.

-Afraid, that her newly adopted son doesn't socialize with other children, Brigitte initially forced Vega to go to music school. She even chose the instrument for him.

- Brigitte taught all her children to shoot. Vega doesn't like it and didn't practice more than his mother deemed obligatory, but both Nicola and Elijah are more than happy to do so whenever they can.

- Vega had to be very careful about introducing his boyfriends to his family, they scared them away very fast. Eric was the only one who lasted more than three dates.

Vi [ Brigitte's friend, brother figure]

The psychiatrist Brigitte calls if she or any of her kids need medical help. He usually answers with "But do you know that I'm actually just a psychiatrist?". He always helps anyway. He cured his fair share of fevers, stuffed noses, and random nausea spells after eating sweets from the ground. 

He and Brigitte met when Vi was in the last year of medical school.

Vi stress bakes a lot. A lot of his original recipes make it into "Magical cupcake's" menu

Ezra [ Vi's husband]

Ezra writes romance very popular romance novels under the pseudonym "Rosette", and is conviinced that no one knows it's him.

Vega, Brigitte and all of his friends know it's him. Ezra is not that subtle, description of every love interest in every story he writes is suspicously simlar to Vi. 

Era and Vi have a very large collection of cacti, but they have to replace the specimens regularly because they die fast.

Vega is often in charge of watering the cacti collection. 

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