


2 years, 19 days ago



it / its - bloodeater angel

A problem causer. It thinks it’s smart but it’s easy to see through (and even easier to laugh at), though whether or not it poses an actual threat is undetermined…


  • skittish, able to run very fast
  • can rotate it‘s head 360° in pretty much any direction
  • its head works like a pair of pliers; made up of two main parts that work in opposite directions to open and close its jaws
  • no relation to Ophiel other than being the same species (and having the same profile code, lawlz)
  • movements are strange and unnatural; similar to that of a small bird’s, just on a larger - slightly more frightening- scale
  • cannot fly but is able to jump surprisingly high, especially if it gets a running start
  • it speaks in an odd way, not fully understanding language but doing it‘s best to learn and imitate it. Some words or small phrases are replaced with similar sounding words/phrases, it makes this mistake often but never realizes it. Any attempts to correct it or teach it actual grammar results in you being laughed at and ignored

about bloodeater angels

  • Cannibalistic; can go for long periods of time without eating, will usually prey on smaller angels or even other bloodeaters 
  • Characterized by their dark slender bodies and pincer-like jaws, number of wings and eyes can vary per angel
  • Able to withstand serious injury, though healing and regrowing limbs takes a bit of time
  • ”Skin” is rough to the touch, almost like sandpaper; a closer look reveals many fibers that make up its body. If severely injured, a bloodeater will form “hands” with these fibers that aid in reconstruction