


2 years, 1 month ago



59824878_acO.gif BORNANA 59824878_acO.gif

it is preferrable if you refer to bornana by name but pronouns are





an elusive troublemaker who usually seeks nothing more than mischief for bornana's pleasure. He gets a kick out of pissing people off and making himself dislikeable. Bornana will confidently say anything that comes to mind even if it's harsh or hard to hear. Bornana deals with every situation as a game, and bornana loves to win. Nothing to it is taken seriously and enjoys making things interesting and fun for them while it may only just inconvenience others. Bornana hates being bored for long periods of time so they are always getting into some kind of trouble. It's troublemaking includes harmless pranks and petty crimes. Bornana won't hesitate to do bigger crimes and they sure enough had many times. They're kinda always on the run but they love the adrenaline from getting away from trouble.

Bornana also comes off as child-like while he enjoys games and anything that appears be fun, they will act irrationally and throw tantrums that like a child when things dont go bornana's way or if they are not getting the attention they wanted. these tantrums can lead to violence and destruction. Despite joking around and making threats about killing people, bornana never seems to intentionally do so and would never take things that far. The most bornana will do is smash people with his "Bornana Mallet" which does nothing more than electrically stun people temporarily when hit. Bornana's childish nature also includes being very playful, getting excited over little things and pestering people for things he wants but refuses to get for itself. Aside from bornana's childish nature, he is very much vulgar and crude with it's remarks as well.

While bornana has no problem interacting with people, he refuses to establish an actual relationship with people and has trouble doing so. bornana dodges any personal questions and often make up lies, ones easy to detect to make himself obviously look distrustful and other lies harder or even impossible to detect possibly as a way to protect himself from getting close to others. bornana definitely refuses to put it's trust in others as well. They often try to ward people off if they are interested in bornana by saying and doing things that make him appear dangerous and someone you should not get close to. Sometiimes there are times where it seems like he's making an attempt to make friends and will even say people are to him if he is interested in someone but immediately tends to follow up with "I'm just joking!" or something that contradicts what he says or clearly questions it's relationship with people. Whether it's intentions are true or not, bornana always struggle to keep relationships let alone make friends in general. bornanas very hard to understan........ and there's not a lot of people who have the patience to deal with it's antics and games.

bornana also seems to be a little self aware... about it's existence.... it's one of those characters who knows they aren't real C: wooo! he likes to scare my other ocs with this information sometimes muahaha


47992947_Foi.gif BORNANA FACTS47992947_Foi.gif

- bornana LOOOVES soda and tea his favorite soda being fanta and his favorite tea being raspberry

- bornana HATES BUGS!!! HATES HATES BUGS!! bornana is very scared of bees because bornana is allergic... seeing any kind of bug usually results in bornana obnoxiously crying

- bornana is also scared horses for some reason. tall animals in general can make him uneasy but bornana says the thought of getting on a horse would make him pee in fear

- bornana loooves to play games. any games! bornana loves to win and enjoyes the adrenaline from being chased. bornana is also familiar with all kinds of video games and claims that he'd play them all day

- bornana looks up to Pent, his clothing style and patterns when committing crime is inspired off of pent.

- bornana also really likes santa claus for some reason

- bornana loves to eat the skin and peels of most fruit (usually bananas and oranges) and drink dish soap???

- bornanas eyes are red but he can change them by will to look black, or make them appear to have a red glint in bornanas eyes. bornana says he likes to surprise people with its red eyes to  freak them out

- bornana is capable of levitation but rarely does so.

- bornana is also capable of stretching its limbs (and in its polygonal version of design, he can detach his limbs from its body)

- bornana is mostly bald, and is incapable growing much hair so bornana likes to wear a wig

- bornana is an active cyberbully on teh internet and has a skill for hacking for people's personal information... they have anything but good intentions with what they'll do with this information tho...

- bornana also collects photos of people's moms?!?! sometimes dads but for some reason bornana thinks it's funny to threaten people with these

- one of bornanas favorite characters is bonnie from fnaf (specifically withered bonnie) because bornana "relates to him comfortingly" and "he's totally everybody's favorite"

- bornana likes to draw sometimes. it's artstyle is very much like a child with it's sloppy look and exaggerated features and ideas,

- bornana is constantly making some kind of problematic take and behaviors usually to stir up drama

- one of bornanas favorite places to go to is the beach, but hates actually swimming and going into waters.

- bornana is bisexual with a female lean... bornana will often make comments implying he's interested in someone but they are usually rather crude and inappropriate....

- bornana also seems to have a thing for collecting toys! but he seems to be distressed when it sees puppets and hates looking at them. it says theyre "too creepy" and "makes him very sad and cry"


50351921_GLb.gif BORNANAS PLAYLIST50351921_GLb.gif

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