Vinh Le



2 years, 26 days ago


gender: male (cis)
sexuality: he likes men
pronouns: he/him
age: 30
height: 172cm
nationality: german of vietnamese origin

burdened by expectations he could never live up to and racist, fatphobic and homophobic bullying and assaults he turned to a life of crime to make the people who made his life hell grovel beneath his feet. he has body image issues and struggles with overeating. threatening and extorting people fills him with a rush of adrenaline. he is physically strong

men will literally join a mafia family instead of seeing a therapist

after the death of his parents he once again finds himself having to spend time with his siblings, as Linh Mai forces him to attend dinners and parties with them. part of him enjoys these, though he can feel Thuan's seething rage and discomfort whenever he looks at him. 

having to ask Thuan for help finding that painting was a last resort