Inessa (ScarKyNessa♥️)



2 years, 1 month ago


Height Difference
5 cm
153 cm
158 cm

Age Difference

Gender Female
Orientation Bisexual
Birthday May 30
Star Sign Gemini



Height Difference
24 cm
153 cm
177 cm

Age Difference

Gender Male
Orientation Heterosexual
Birthday January 3
Star Sign Capricorn



Gender Female
Orientation Bisexual
Birthday December 17
Star Sign Sagittarius



Height Difference
19 cm
158 cm
177 cm

Age Difference

Big spoon

Little spoon
Lends clothes

Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names

Uses pet names

Affection through words

Affection through actions
Confesses first

Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs

Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car

Can't drive
Can't cook

Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Has more relationship experience

Has no relationship experience
How they met

All three of them met within the borders of Inazuma. Inessa was never expected to have a run-in with the Fatui while she was stuck within Inazuma, let alone the Balladeer of all people. God knows where she'd heard of him, but all she knew was to stay far from him, he wasn't well-liked among his Harbinger fellows in general. But did she listen? Of course not. She snoops among their plans, sure of her death at the hands of Scaramouche, but to her surprise, she does not meet her demise. Not yet, is what she likes to think. 

And then there's Kyle, a gang leader that hates the Fatui and is intrigued when she sees some innocent girl prying into Fatui matters. She doesn't know why, but she has the instinct to follow this poor girl and keep her out of trouble.

Their Relationship

Inessa, Scaramouche, and Kyle agree that they are a strange combo indeed. It’s a miracle they work out with how much Kyle and Scaramouche bicker over their other lover, but in the end, it never hurts them to share really.

Inessa was stuck in Inazuma after having taken a trip there with her guardian. The decrees were set in place, and they were forced to settle there and make a living while they could. Inessa knew Fatui were crawling everywhere, but she never intended to get caught up in their matters. It was then she met the Sixth Harbinger Scaramouche who, while he did verbally degrade her, did not make her fall to her demise. She was persistent, and figured she’d be safe to pry into their matters if this man was somehow not going to hurt her. That’s when she ends up in the Inazuma plot line, she stumbles upon the exchange between Scaramouche and the traveler involving Delusions. At first, she was going to help the traveler, so while she was trying to find her way in to stop him, that’s when Scaramouche was given the Electro Gnosis in exchange for the traveler. While he was going to escape, he was also going to get attacked. Inessa’s impulsivity kicks in again for a man who’s barely showed any kindness within her interactions with him, and she saves him from this attack. Upon seeing him try to run like his life depended on it with the Gnosis, Inessa is quick to decide that she is going to run after him, further assisting him in his runaway plan.

In the meantime was Kyle’s own struggling. The gang she lead was caught in the crossfire as well, and was badly affected by the Delusion matters. Kyle was infuriated over it, wanting to take it out all on Scaramouche. That’s when she heard of his little run away move. Frantically, she goes after him with the intent to take him down out of anger. But that’s when she saw another girl was going with him already. Inessa, the girl Kyle deemed to be too innocent to be messing with the Fatui. And that was her drive to follow after them.

During Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises, it is revealed that Scaramouche was being turned into a god by the sages. Inessa and Kyle followed him all the way up to this point, Inessa wildly agreeing to assist in whatever Scaramouche needed.

How Scaramouche feels

Girls like them are annoying and dumb… I don’t understand how I ever get a moment of peace with them around. Then again, maybe their company is tolerable sometimes. Only sometimes.

How Kyle feels

"Innocent little girls should stop reading romance novels about dangerous men having soft spots for them, that's the kind of person they become. *sigh* She's so cute, if she wanted to be adventurous, she could've just joined my gang, you know? And to Scaramouche... he's ridiculous. I don't care if he's part of the Fatui, someone needs to teach that boy manners. Sometimes I wanna give him a punch or two since that time, but sometimes I suppose he's tolerable."

How Inessa feels

"Listen, listen... it's beyond me why I even decided to get with these two. But I promise they really aren't that bad! Well... that's pushing it, but don't worry about it much... I think they're worth protecting. For some reason."


  • Scaramouche and Kyle often argue over Inessa, but that doesn’t mean they won’t share. They have their moments of peace and contentedness.
  • There’s like a trickle effect, Inessa wants to protect Scaramouche and Kyle wants to protect Inessa from Scara HELP
  • Their boyfriend is pretty sassy with them, both Inessa and Kyle like to poke at him for it.
  • Scaramouche most of the time likes to order them around to do stuff for him, especially Inessa because he knows she would listen to him no matter what. 
  • During their travels, Kyle will pick up what ingredients she can so she can feed her lovers.
  • Both Kyle and Inessa like to steal Scaramouche's big hat and wear it on their own heads. Scaramouche gets SO grouchy about it.
  • They like using their boyfriend as a pillow, so they cuddle with him despite his protests.
  • Inessa likes being babied and spoiled by Kyle, and even says she deserves it while Scaramouche gets the treatment he does.
  • Inessa throws herself into dangerous situations for not only Scaramouche, but even Kyle. They get mad at her for it because she could get hurt.
  • Inessa like to kiss, then bite, then kiss, and the cycle repeats. Annoying bunny girlfriend.
  • Scaramouche acts completely and totally offended when either of his girlfriends touch him, but then he'll proceed to insist that his hands need to be on them at all times when they're all together.
  • I’m a sucker for this type of theme but anyways there is a time where Scaramouche admits to perhaps having feelings for someone way back in time that Inessa bears a resemblance to.
  • Sometimes it hurts Inessa’s feelings when they call her crazy for even wanting to help them.
  • When Inessa wants a hug, she launches herself into either one of the other two and makes them hold her. Scaramouche will laugh evilly and probably throw her (where it won’t hurt) and Kyle will dote on her and call her cute.
  • NSFW
    • Things kind of trickle here, too. With how innocent Inessa is, Scaramouche loves taking complete control over her. Kyle then loves to do it to both of her partners.
    • Inessa is obedient to both of them, which Scaramouche takes so much advantage of but he himself is a total brat with or without Kyle in the picture.
    • Sometimes, Inessa likes to kick back and watch her partners going at it with each other, and she herself ends up pleasuring herself from the sight of it.
    • Her partners are on the quieter end, so Inessa gets rather embarrassed that she's on the slightly louder end. She gets teased and even degraded for it to no avail by her partners for it.
    • Kyle and Scaramouche are rather mean during sex, but I'm sure they have no problem in making sure they at least let Inessa know how good she was afterward.
    • In a very Scaramouche manner, he kind of orders his partners to clean up with him in the aftercare part. Very rarely will he actually take initiative in this part, which sounds kinda shitty HELP
    • Inessa likes to give both of her partners oral just so she can hear the pleasure they get out of it, and maybe even receive praise for it.
    • While the other two can last a while and take their sweet and torturous time, Inessa is again embarrassed at the fact she can't help but cum too quickly.