



it's ok to b a liddle indulgent guys
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VA: tba

For long during the Vision Hunt Decree, Kyle had escorted vision bearers through the seas away from danger, relying only on her instincts in the waters.

Many of them have declared her their leader, and joined her in pursuit of bigger goals.

"I only fight those stronger than me

to protect those weaker than me."

Kyle Gang
Comiatus Manus
177 cm / 5'10"


Resolute • Commanding • Evasive • Morbid

Kyle is a fan character for Genshin Impact, a hydro vision holder from Inazuma who wields a bow. She makes her debut when the traveler comes across Scaramouche in the Archon quest "Omnipresence Over Mortals" when an unknown girl attempts to defend him, taking the fight for herself before Yae Miko shows up and Scaramouche disappears. Kyle was known for escorting vision holders to safety during the Vision Hunt Decree, and with this she formed the Kyle Gang with her gathering of loyal followers, they would also help others during war and anything needed, but once she discovered the Fatui Harbringer was behind the delusions in Inazuma, she couldn't let it go.

She followed the mysterious girl who was on his tracks herself, and ended up sticking with the Balladeer for a long time, to her annoyance, as the seemingly innocent girl did not want to leave his side which posed great danger to her and Inazuma as a whole. [wip] [will continue when we find out where tf scaramouche is gn]

In her Character Story, [wip]

Ascension materials

  • Varunada Lazurite Item_Varunada_Lazurite_Chunk.png
  • Dew of Repudiation Item_Dew_of_Repudiation.png
  • Fluorescent Fungus Item_Fluorescent_Fungus.png
  • Fatui Insignia Item_Sergeant%27s_Insignia.png

Talent materials

  • Guide to Elegance Item_Guide_to_Elegance.png
  • Fatui Insignia Item_Sergeant%27s_Insignia.png
  • Tears of the Calamitous God Item_Tears_of_the_Calamitous_God.png
  • Crown of Insight Item_Crown_of_Insight.png
"It's impossible to please everyone, but that doesn't mean you should displease them."


Normal Attack - Bullseye: Performs up to 5 consecutive shots with a bow. For Charged Attack, perform a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG. After 1s, Kyle's charged attack will fire four additional rotating arrows that will deal AoE Hydro DMG.

Elemental skill - Boat Ride: Kyle creates a puddle on the ground that deals Hydro DMG and sucks in small enemies as it drains out. The skill CD is 14s.

Elemental burst - Carnival: Kyle creates four spinning bubbles around herself, which will trap up to four small enemies inside them and deal Hydro DMG to them and other enemies in the way. After the bubbles explode, they deal AoE Hydro DMG. Having 1/2/3/4 enemies trapped increases bubble DMG by 4%/8%/16%24%. The skill CD is 20s. The energy cost is 80.

Passive talent 1 - Helping Hand: If Kyle's burst successfully traps more than two enemies, the active character will be healed by 10%/20%/30% of her max HP when the bubbles explode.

Passive talent 2 - For Me, For You: After firing a charged shot, all character's crit rate is increased by %6 for 10s.

Passive talent 3 - Aquatic Instinct: Decreases swimming stamina consumption by %30, and waverider stamina consumption by 50%.


• Her hair is very asymmetric and funky?? and there's some sort of rattail to the right n the back.

• She has 6 piercings on her face and 2 near her bellybutton.

• The thing behind her is a tail!

• Big booba


• She has some relation to the abyss I'll elaborate later on < 33.

• Kyle tends to have a motherly instinct towards others, wanting to take care of them and protect them. This goes twice for those she hates, she wants to discipline them and put them in their place.

• Her gang did just as much stuff that would get her in jail as Itto's, but she has never landed in prison due to using her brain just a little more.

• Her real name is actually Kairi, Kyle is her pseudonym to seem more "intimidating and badass".

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Sus amongus?! Kyle heard he was suspicious and followed his tracks but followed him a little too hard and now she feels like she has to teach this brat a lesson, even though she respects his mean bitch swag.



Kyle cannot believe such an innocent and cute girl is allying herself with someone like Scaramouche, she feels like she has to protect her... and ends up annoying her a lot with how much she babies her.


Arataki Itto

Bimbo and himbo hostility. Their gangs have been rivals basically since they were formed and they're constantly butting heads. No one's sure how much of it is just for show though, not even themselves.



Kyle decided to write to a random address one day, and it just so happened to be Yelan's. Of course, she got investigated and threatened, but Yelan eventually realized she was just a little stupid and they became pen pal besties. #girl

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