


2 years, 1 month ago


Fallen angel
Overseer of purgatory
Mischievous Hyper Immature

Bella is a childish and hyperactive young girl, seemingly having energy for days which is no surprise with the amount of candy she consumes on the daily. It’s rare that they’re seen without a big grin and cackling away! Despite being a former angel, she acts the exact opposite to what you’d expect of one, her stubbornness and impatient personality being just a few factors to name, her priorities now being simply having as much fun as she can - the girl often up to mischief and bothering whatever poor souls end up in purgatory or her brother! Though when things don’t go her way she’s known to throw tantrums or go into a huff!


name of artist

  • Candy
  • Vibrant colours
  • Baking
  • Cats
  • Fairytales
  • Playing games
  • Boredom
  • Heaven
  • Rules
  • Bitter tastes
  • Being ignored
  • Lemons
  • She was originally a Dominion angel!
  • Her favourite fairytale is Hansel and Gretel! Basing her overall look on the idea of a Candy witch!
  • Her height is 4’10
  • When going down to Earth she had a pet cat!
  • Her favourite colour is pink
  • Despite being a fallen Angel she still has a heavy sense of justice
  • She was originally going to be used for a yttd inspired rp!
  • She has a slight overbite
  • Out of all my ocs she’s the one with the most art overall!
  • She has freckles and a slight overbite on her face!
  • Her hair sticks up in two flicks at the front as well as her ponytail! She can either have normal bangs or microbangs depending if you wanna do her goofy or not
  • Her nails are multicoloured and she also has multicoloured sprinkles in her hair!
  • The fabric around her waist ties to a long bow at the back!

Initially, Bella has started out as a high ranking angel, her role being to one day oversee and manage Angels ranked below her, a job that would be shared by her brother Puck too! Back at this time, the girl was a lot different, her personality being almost the opposite to what it is now, seeming overall a rather reserved, timid and quiet person - sticking mainly to herself or talking to Puck. Though her curiosity was still a big part of her, the world below being something that she’d wondered about often but due to their high standing, this meant that the two would be unable to ever venture below, a duty that only the lower of angels would carry out instead.

One day however, the pair managed to sneak down, skipping their classes to get a chance to see what all the fuss was about!


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia vel sunt, quas ab, inventore eos nulla magni accusamus, tempora iusto beatae? Temporibus autem eum debitis aperiam aspernatur vitae labore quo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequuntur quas suscipit iste accusamus adipisci id quisquam, voluptas voluptatem officia vero accusantium nemo, maiores provident? Impedit cupiditate quos laudantium dolorum consectetur!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Mollitia vel sunt, quas ab, inventore eos nulla magni accusamus, tempora iusto beatae? Temporibus autem eum debitis aperiam aspernatur vitae labore quo.


Puck is Bella’s brother, the two once being close siblings until they began going to earth - upon which the two began to split apart and distance. This got worse when they eventually reached purgatory, though despite that fact Bella still holds some hope that things can return to what they used to, even though her brother clearly feels otherwise. But with her being stubborn and still caring for him, this does not stop her from trying! The girl often bothering her brother and trying to spend time with him, even if that requires some bribing on his part.


Bella and Rune initially meet back in the victorian times, the two crossing paths after she'd dumped a body onto the boy whilst he was grave digging by mistake. Although not the best of starts, the two eventually become quite close, the girl quite liking to get to enjoy the company of someone her age as well as finding a reliable way to both dispose of her wrongdoings and help Rune out! She finds him to be quite fun to be around, eventually even getting to the point of liking the boy to a deeper level, of which ends up reciprocated! The former angel couldn't ask for a better companion - or partner in crime.


Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consectetur impedit corporis hic nobis, assumenda enim illum, atque esse vero odio qui aliquam, distinctio harum. Impedit nisi sed quam veniam expedita.

“So the big guy gets to flood the place and kill off a buncha people but when I get rid of *some* that deserve it it’s all raise the alarms!! That’s so dumb!”