Persimmon Escutcheon





Persimmon Escutcheon
Female, She/Her
Undyre (subspecies of Curio)
Being cute

Persimmon shows some maturity for her age, and a quiet reservation that you might normally find in adolescence. She is highly aware of her disability and how it marks her as 'different' to other children, so she craves things that feel more like 'normal.' Trips to the park, going to the beach, reading books together before bedtime, anything and everything that other kids might have. She has her frustrations and throws her minor tantrums, but she can see sense and reason. She is broadly a very sweet and thoughtful child, if a bit excitable and 'fizzy' at times.




Character Trait

Use this section to list some of your characters key personality traits & then give a small description/explanation of each trait.

Character Trait

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus.

Character Trait

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus.

Character Trait

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus.

Character Trait

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus.

Character Trait

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus.


Height: 2'1"
Build: Average
Eyes: Green
Hair: Very long and silky
Closed species: Undyre, subspecies of Curio - created by HEAVENDELUXE and clockrobber
Traits: Iridescent fur (divine)
Undyre traits: arm/hock fins, bead implant, sealing membranes, webbed paws



One of several scandalous children sired by Ficus Graf, Persimmon is the youngest. Her mother was Cammelia Hall, a very pretty Undyre socialite who had turned her back on her parents and her roots in search of the high life in Hanto Magnata. She very much lived for the present, with few thoughts for the past or the future. When Persimmon came along, Cammelia did actually try this thing called parenting. She moved back home, where her parents were happy to have their daughter back and were thrilled to be grandparents.

The happiness didn't last.

Persimmon was actually a very joyful baby with few upsets but when it was clear that something was wrong with her hearing, Cammelia found the stress of the situation to be too much to bear and far from the no-strings-attached fun she had in Hanto Magnata. Without a word to her parents, Cammelia just left one night and was never seen again.

Persimmon never knew this sadness though, her grandparents adored her and amde sure she had all the medical tests she needed to determine the problem. She lost her hearing before the age of 4 and has been using hearing aids since. She also learned sign language as well, and in certain circumstances will resort to writing on paper so that she always has a way to communicate.

Luther Escutcheon was a regular visitor to Persimmon and her grandparents, partly due to his responsibilities as the Graf family 'fixer' and general minder, and partly because looking after Ficus' offspring was the closest he could get to being a dad. Birthday cards every year and the occasional afternoon at the park. Persimmon's grandfather wasn't thrilled with this, but also couldn't deny that it was good to have a healthy, if infrequent, adult relationship in Persimmon's life. As part of his duty, Luther would report back to the Senior and Lady Graf about all of Ficus' children, but Ficus himself never knew he had kids.

Fast forward to present day - after the fall of Hanto Magnata and the dawn of the new 'Tech War', Persimmon and her grandparents fled to Mino Ami in the hopes of staying safe. They settled nicely for those brief months before Mino Ami was attacked. In that fateful night, Persimmon's grandparents were killed and the youngster was scooped up by a family in the panic. But the turmoil didn't end. The months following that destructive night saw Persimmon travel around Tonpelli with one family or another, looking for safety. Her hearing aids have long since been lost or damagaed beyond repair, meaning she has even fewer options for talking to her would-be saviours.

Her most stable time has been spent with a single Undyre, a woman who uses mechanical pets to help her make maps and find safe routes across the island. It is only when she doesn't return to Persimmon for several days that things change remarkably - a scouting Blues group finds Persimmon, bringing her back to the Mino Ami chapter where she is reunited with Luther.





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