Narissa Ceyx



2 years, 21 days ago


What business am I here on? None of yours.

Narissa Ceyx


Laura Bailey, Neal Acree, Logan Laflotte

[ About ]

A pirate in every sense of the word, Narissa Ceyx is a chaotic neutral water Genasi fighter and a devoted worshipper of the goddess Tymora. Charismatic and bold, the Genasi pirate Captain thrives for adventure and freedom out on the open seas and sails her ship "The Arcadia" with the aid of her devoted crew of misfits.

Narissa does not like to talk much of her past, but what she does share is cut and dry: Her father's crew killed him while she was out on the sea and she is on a quest to find each and every person involved in his murder. The genasi does not deem it important to share details of her past where they are not important and while not necessarily secret, she does not share this information openly.

[ Personality ]


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In short, Narissa's personality is just as bold and brash as she is. With equally high charisma and confidence, the Genasi pirate will never be one to back down: whether that's from a good old fashioned tavern brawl or verbal argument. This confidence will sometimes manifest as arrogance and will almost always lead her directly into trouble.

An all-around people person, Narissa is much more likely to stand out in a crowd than to blend into one and absolutely adores the limelight and attention from those around her. The pirate is exceptionally competative and with a spirit for adventure, can easily grow bored if staying in one place for a long period of time. Narissa is absolutely more attracted to new ideas than old traditions, but due to her sailor background can be quite superstitious.

Not being quite used to working at an equal level with others due to her Captain status, Narissa can often come across as being quite bossy and standoffish towards those that she works with outside of her ship's crew. The Genasi will often utilize a more impersonal and logical style of decision-making, which can also make her come across as being almost ruthless, though she is known to have an especially soft spot when it comes to children. She similarly has a tendancy to not listen to other sides of an argument or plan, instead choosing to stick to her own, meticulously planned, ideas instead.

Narissa prefers larger cities and tends to frequent these hubs more frequently than smaller towns, the oft-described crudeness of her speech and action that comes from being raised by a pirate and being one herself feeling at home on the streets of the continent's hubs.

Character Tropes:

[ Basics ]

RACE Water Genasi
CLASS Fighter (Dueling)
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Neutral
GENDER Cis Female
AGE 23 years old

[ Story ]

Kinion Ceyx was thirty-six years old when he first met Sedna, the sea marid. The pirate captain and his crew were out at sea in search of a navy frigate that some of his men had heard word held a wealth of gold and treasure below its deck when a violent storm hit. His ship and crew were jostled something fierce, the ship rocking so violently that it threw the captain into the waves. But instead of the grim fate that Kinion expected of himself, the captain was greeted with the sight of a genie from the elemental plane swimming beside him in the water with eyes just as wide with fascination as his own. After a moment of pause to process the situation, the marid blinked at him owlishly before sweeping her arm upwards, the water around the pirate shifting unnaturally to lift him to the surface and even go so far as to place him back on the deck of his ship with gentle care. And as the storm immediately receded and waves lulled into a calm, the pirate vowed to again find the kind marid who had saved his life.

He was thirty-eight the next time he saw the genie. This time however, they met in the captain’s realm of expertise. Kinion and his crew were docked at one of the larger port cities for Highharvestide celebrations, a perfect opportunity to both partake in the festivities themselves as well as thieve from the more inebriated participants. The captain was weaving through the crowd tailing an unsteady blacksmith when he saw a familiar figure chatting animatedly with a merchant to the side of the road: the merid from two years ago! He immediately changed direction, sauntering up beside the woman and quickly grabbing her attention. The charisma drained from his body as she turned to him, but it failed to quell his offer to show her around the fair. She accepted with a giddy grin. They spent the rest of the night traversing the festival together. The pirate captain returned to his ship that night with pockets void of coin and a bright grin breaking out from past his beard.

The captain was thirty-nine when he left his old crew behind to live a more honest life with his newly wedded wife and he was forty-three when Sedna told him the news. They were going to have a baby. Kinion was forty-four when their daughter, Narissa, was born and it was only two months after that when Sedna was called back to the elemental plane. Permanently. The ex-pirate stood on the dock of their home, an old lighthouse that he had taken on the job of manning, with their two-month old child in his arms as he watched his wife walk into the sea.

All Narissa knew was the lighthouse. She knew the building brick for brick, knew all the best places to hide from her father, and knew that he kept every single letter he received from her mother under the floorboards of his bedroom. She knew that the bottles would arrive with the rising tide every fifth morning of each month and she would sit in her room every sixth night revelling in the words by candlelight before returning them to their hiding spot by sunrise when her father rose. She was six years old when her father finally caught her and they then agreed to begin a new ritual the two of them: they would save the letter in the bottle until that night and read it together before they slept.

Unlike most genasi children, Narissa was blessed by the gods with a genie parent who cared for her dearly. She could tell that Sedna was watching over her from the elemental plane each time she stepped her bare feet in the ocean she loved so dearly, the spray of the water kissing her face in a peculiar feeling that she was sure couldn't be coincidence. The girl would often sit at the end of the dock as she grew older and tell the waves stories about her day: the nice performer she met in town, the silly fisherman who gave her a fresh fish to bring home, and the story of how she had snuck a bit more sweet bread from the kitchen than she was supposed to (she received a hearty pinch of her pinkie toe from a crab in the water at that one). And as Narissa grew older still, two bottles began to wash ashore each month instead of one. The genasi understood her father now, as she pulled one of her own floorboards aside to store a box herself. On the month of her fifteenth birthday she received a pearl necklace in her bottle along with the usual letter. The necklace remains even now one of her most prized possessions, never seen anywhere else other than around her neck.

The daughter of an ex-pirate captain and a genie, it was no wonder that the young genasi would grow restless with such a sedentary life eventually. As the young girl grew older, life in the lighthouse quickly grew boring and it began to be a constant in Narissa's life to sneak away to the local port town on days where she needed a little adventure. Of course, with her father having been “raised by the sea” as he always said, the vulgarity of the sailors she met in the town was a welcome familiarity and she become fast friends with pretty much every sailor she met in the town near her home. And with friends from what some would deem “unsavory backgrounds”, came equally as unsavory habits and actions. The pirates and sailors the genasi found friends in taught the teenager the skills they learned while out on the seas; the more honest of seafarers sharing their knowledge in map-reading and haggling while the worse of the bunch taught her how to swordfight and pickpocket. And as she grew from girl to young woman, even this was still not enough for Narissa. So, when she was nineteen and began to manifest powers of her own, she made up her mind. It was a life of adventure that she craved, so it was a life of adventure she was going to find for herself. She spent months planning closely with her father, acquiring a small ship of her own, collecting supplies, and amassing a small crew of her closest friends from town to help her on her journey. And when everything was completed and ready, Kinion stood at the end of the dock as he watched his daughter sail into the sea. A soft smile was on his face as he returned the wave that she gave from from the deck.

Narissa Ceyx and her crew made quite a name for themselves out on the sea: not nearly good enough to be simple sailors, but not quite bad enough to be pirates. They drew the line somewhere in between, a band of misfits collected throughout their travels who became a close family merely on the hunt for their next adventure. And yet, even with a crew as thick as thieves as hers, Narissa never failed to return to her lighthouse home after every adventure to see her father.

Insert a bit here about how she collects her crew on the terms of “we take those who no one else will”, so the crew of the Arcadia is full of “cursed” races like tieflings and drow and others who are simply outcasts. She ends up falling in love with her HOT TIEFLING FIRST MATE. idk, shit like that. She and her girlfriend have a kid that Narissa doesn’t really talk about lmao, but the little boy lives with the crew on the ship and is spoiled by the ENTIRE CREW 24/7. His name is Caspian and he’s a little half-tief and 1/4th water genasi with vitiligo with darker skin like Eris with little blue patches that match Narissa. His eyes are “as blue as the ocean waves” and he has a mop of white hair that gets in his eyes a lot. He’s a rambunctious little kid with a sweet personality.

While out on an outing, her dad’s old crew came back and FUCKIN KILLED HIM. Narissa comes back and oh my fuckin god he fuckin’ dead, there’s a scrap of cloth stuck in the door and ripped in half with her father’s old crew’s symbol burned into the cloth: now she knows who did that shit. So, present day campaign time its been about two years since her father died and she’s got one crew person from her pops’ old crew down (spoiler: she fucking kilt him :dagger: ) but she’s still on the hunt to kill the rest of her dad’s old crew. She’s making a list and checking it twice, gonna find out who to fucking pew pew.

[ Relationships ]



Narissa has always been on good terms with her mother, even after all of this time of the two never having met face to face. Though Narissa is a lot more active these days and rarely remains in one place for long, Sedna will still send her letters in bottles to float alongside her daughter's ship as it sails from port to port. Sedna still watches over her daughter from her place in the elemental plane and does all within her power to keep her safe from harm. Narissa's crewmates will often cite feeling a sense of safety and calm once reaching open water on each departure from land (growing the further they get into the sea) and there is regularly a single uniquely-colored dolphin who will accompany the ship on long voyages. The Arcadia's captain also seems to be much more calm and happy when on the open water, known to grow quite restless on land if she is away for too long.


Eris Varderau

Narissa's First Mate, girlfriend, fellow mother of their shared son, and most trusted confidant all rolled into one, Narissa cares bone deeply for Eris. Often harped by the rest of the crew of The Arcadia that the two remain in the "honeymoon phase" after all these years, Eris is one of very few people who know of Narissa's past and the full reasoning behind her revenge quest to honor her father. When together, Narissa and Eris are attached at the hip and the mere precense of the tiefling calms Narissa's usual boistrous personality to be a bit more managable. Eris is acting captain of The Arcadia when Narissa is away from the ship.


Captain Cain Bradshaw

Among the rest of the crew of the Oleander Strumpet, Narissa's relationship with Captain Cain Bradshaw is one that is largely one-sided. The former crew that Narissa's father Kinion captained before she was born knows very little of Narissa's very existence, but Narissa is on a quest to see the entire crew of the Strumpet dead at her hands. Having overtaken the role of Captain after Kinion left the Strumpet's crew to marry Sedna, Cain Bradshaw was the one who made the call that the crew should cut their ties with Kinion by ending his life. While the new crew of the Oleander Strumpet knows little of Narissa other than that she exists, Narissa scoured her father's old journals for each and every name of her father's former crew that were responsible for his death and is actively hunting each and every one of them down to kill them herself. Captain Cain Bradshaw is at the very top of her list.

[ Superstitions ]

The following are superstitions that Narissa, her crew, and various other sailors in the land are known to believe in and/or practice. Blue paragraphs are rituals that Narissa believes in and/or practices.
You are to place golden or silver coins (and very rarely, shined copper coins) over the eyes of the deceased, the type of coin is dependant on the ritual practicer and may vary amongst crews and individuals. The general belief is that when you die, your inner light tries to escape and darkness will eventually swallow your body. The coins reflect the light and keep it contained inside of your body - keeping you pure, even in death.
Narissa practices this ritual, but will only do so with the bodies of those she has known personally. Shined copper for acquaintances, silver for good friends, and gold for her closest companions.
Changing the name of a ship means great danger and almost certain death for its crew. This is because the sea gods will not recognize the name of the ship and will see the crew as “trespassers”, sending a storm to sink the nefarious intruders.
Sailors and pirates are widely known to get tattoos of a land or earth god’s symbol in hopes that if they drown, the god/goddess will return them to the land safely. However, sea gods find this extremely rude and disrespectful, so sailors have to find ways of hiding the tattoos at all times whether with magic, clothes, or makeup.
Similarly to the last superstition, it is seen to be good luck to carry a vial of dirt on your person while out at sea. You are to pour the dirt out when you dock your ship and to refill the bottle before you leave for the open water again. To leave old earth in your bottle is to invite bad luck on yourself and your crew. “Always carry a piece of ground with you were there is no ground for you to stand on.“
The only time that it is okay to sing sea shanties/sea songs on land is if you have a vial of seawater on your person. If you do not have any, the sea gods will believe that you’re singing for the land gods instead of themselves. This will then lead to punishment when you return to your ship and the open seas.
Having a water genasi on board your ship is good luck, even better if they’re higher ranked. However, if the genasi is a prisoner, it’s extremely bad luck for the crew that has them imprisoned.
With such a wide variety of “outcast” races within her crew, Narissa and her crew do not abide by this superstition. Though, some of the crew still subconsciously feel a bit more at ease with Narissa at the ship’s wheel rather than Eris.
Besides the figurehead (the “Head” of the ship and the holder of the soul) and the wheel (“the point where the whims of the ocean meet the hands of man”) anchors are the most spiritual part of a ship. Most are heavily anointed with prayers and charms before the ship leaves port, and many crew members carve holy symbols into the metal on their off-time. An anchor may even be passed down through families, heirloom anchors can often be gorgeous constructions worth a fantastic amount of gold. The reasoning is simple: The anchor must rest at the bottom of the ocean, a dark and dangerous place, filled with things man was not meant to know. The anointing of the anchor helps prevent bad luck, and keeps the malice of the deep sea away.
It's good luck to have a dwarf on a ship. Dwarves are commonly associated with earth and stone, and there's a superstition among sailors that dwarves are 'drawn' to earth and stone. Thus the earth will always call to the dwarf, ensuring the ship doesn't get lost at sea.
If your nose itches while at sea, that means that another ship is approaching.
You must be wary if you invite a bard onto your ship, for their songs interlaced with magic are known to attract sirens and other sea creatures that will bring about the doom of everyone on board.
If a child is born while at sea, they will return to the sea when they reach 13 years of age.
Magpies nesting on the mast mean that the sails must be burned and replaced.
Having a cat (especially a black cat) on your ship is good luck. Their grooming habits can predict the weather and it is said that they ward away sirens and nymphs.
Before taking over a ship, the captain of the crew is to dab a drop of their blood from each finger on the wheel of the ship as a sacrifice. This also marks the ship as their own and it is EXTREMELY common to see five dried dots of blood on any ship, pirate or not.
If a captain were born with six or more fingers, then it's believed that the ship will have incredible luck under that captain's care. The reverse is also true, and if a captain has four or less fingers, whether in a fight or from birth, it is believed that the ship will have bad luck under their care.
With the large number of ocean deities out there, there can often be followers of many different belief systems stationed on a single boat. To prevent the gods from fighting over who controls the fate of a ship, it is unanimously decided beforehand which god will be worshiped while they are out at sea. How this is decided upon can vary, with bribery, tournaments, and fights between champions all being common.
To be found worshiping a different god than agreed upon by the crew is considered one of the greatest taboos, and often incites the harshest of punishments.
To sail towards a full moon means bad luck.
It brings good luck to leave one seat free for the sea when celebrating, both on land and at sea.