


2 years, 1 month ago


//Any pronoun, he is most common!

Eorth, the well meaning tiny planet god meant to take over his cousin Earth’s spot in the galaxy! He’s doing his best taking care of ‘human beings’, and doing as much as possible to befriend (annoy!) the other planets in the solar system, including the moon and the sun.

Very friendly out there in space! Too friendly! Earth was jaded, but not Eorth! He’s even overly optimistic to make up for it!

Eorth also feels like he owes a lot to Earth. The planetary god found the spirit out in the universe and took him under their wing. This is what developed Eorth's looks and even name later on. Deciding to want to be just like his adoptive cousin as they cared for him. He misses Planet Earth quite a bit, in all honesty. Eorth wouldn't be...Eorth without them.


- Eorth doesn't have 'Planet' before his name because there is no actual planet Eorth in this Solar System. He's a miniature god, cousin of Planet Earth, with no actual planet he was looking after. If one wanted to give Eorth a title for his job as the new god of actual planet Earth, it would be 'Spirit Eorth' instead of 'Planet Eorth'. He does NOT care about titles, therefore no one else does either. Spirit Eorth, Eorth...Planet Earth's cousin....Doesn't matter to him.