Natsumi Kondo



6 years, 9 months ago


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Name: Natsumi

Arcane: ???

Persona:  "Irenen" | Laverna | Adler

Height: 5'3"

Melee Weapon: Bō

School: Shujin High School

Biggest Insecurity: Fear of Attachments

A somewhat detached young woman, Natsumi has spent most of her life watching people walk out of it. due to the nature of her father's work as a highly sought after "empirical doctor" known for his life saving abilities, she was often forced to move around as a child, and due to this, never really managed to formulate bonds with others. What made this more troubling was the rumors behind her father's work, which was hinted to be on the rather shady side as people considered he may have been the one making people sick to bring them back for fame and money. Still, Natsumi was well cared and provided for, despite all that was taken from her. However, the rumors behind Natsumi's family and their livelihood began to affect the girl no matter where she was, or how long she stayed. Speculations about her father’s work and the stress it had put on the family eventually sent Natsumi’s mother over the edge, electing to leave the family to maintain her sanity, abandoning her children in the process. Even if she was able to make friends, they seemed to put her from their minds as time went on. this caused her to become rather shut out from the world in a way, forcing herself into a position that allowed her to avoid forming attachments, and doing everything in her power to have not a care in the world. Natsumi's one ray of sunshine in her life, no matter how dark it felt at times, was her brother, Ryota. He had been her best friend through her childhood, and always seemed to have her back. Unfortunately, a falling out between Ryota and the sibling's father eventually led to his own departure, no longer wishing to associate with his father. This was the straw that broke the camel's back for Natsumi, who had become convinced she was the root of her problem, and inability to be able to keep pretty much anyone important to her in her life. Natsumi's father worked to do what he could to alleviate his daughter's stress and was eventually decided it was time to settle down when Natsumi was about ready to enter High School. Natsumi did her best to bond with who she could, but her life experiences and general distaste for attachments made it difficult for her to form any kind of relationship. Only time would tell if she would one day be able to open up once more.

  • Somewhat popular for her honest outlook and protective demeanor and kindness despite her blunt nature, but not close to anyone both because of her desire to keep distance and because of others fears of her father. they claimed she was 'cursed". People who got too close got hurt.
  • Mostly avoids becoming close to people because she's afraid of 1. disappointing them 2. being used or 3. completely using them
  • But more than anything, as later revealed and even if she did not always realize it, Natsumi feared getting people who got close to her hurt due to her father's possessive nature. Due to her father's needs for validation as a result of a Factitious disorder, he was often known to make others dangerously ill in order to bring them back to become somewhat renowned as a hero. This soon led to his joining a criminal syndicate aiming to use his abilities for extortion. 
  • Due to his needs for validation and Natsumi's position as the last remaining member of his family to stay with him, Natsumi became an object of obsession for him, his claiming he wished to "protect" her, often leading to his poisioning or harming anyone who got to close. 
  • Natsumi's brother was actively trying to find their mother and remove Natsumi from his custody during this situation, but Natsumi was unaware of this, feeling abandoned and never seeing the letters he wrote to her due to her father's hiding them. 

+Quick witted

+Laid Back







-Extremely Sarcastic


-"Literally cannot seem to give a fuck"

"For far too long, you have let your fears control you.  You seek solace that never existed, in people who came only to leave almost as soon as they appeared. You allowed it to control you. To break you. But no longer shall you cower. I am thou, Thou art I.... No longer are you alone. I am here, and here I shall stay. You understand the life that lies within you. you know the life that you want to live. Break free from your bonds through absolution, and let us move fourth, together."

Move from one protagonist to the next like “okay”