Natsumi Kondo (NatsuKira)



4 years, 5 months ago


  • Name and more to come later but yeah we here
  • Will add the “how mets” story stuff later
  • The pair grow closer as Natsumi attempts to reconnect with her brother and mother
  • He’s the first to check on her as she begins to recover following her father's hospitalization, often dropping in to check how she’s settling while living with a family friend from her father’s hospital.
  • He helps her start opening up to people again, along with help from other thieves
  • A sweeter, more open-hearted side of her began to emerge as she found more joy in life again, showing herself to be far from the stone she seemed to be, being cute and somewhat goofy at times
  • Was thankful when she finally had both her brother and mother back in her lives, her attitude livelier and very grateful towards her friends
  • She admitted she was a bit sad, however, because there was something she couldn’t bring herself to realize until recent
  • “All this time, I had something great and I never realized it. I was never really alone. I had our friends. I had you.”
  • This could be taken platonically or romantically but we’re going with the latter in this case
  • Having never been in a relationship before, Natsumi was more than a little thrown off by Akira’s upfront confessionals
  • She isn’t afraid to admit to this either, confessing she’d never really had the chance to feel like this before
  • She also admitted she was a little scared. Even with her growing back to life, she was scared of losing again, or of doing something stupid
  • But, just as kindness had once won her over, again it reassured her, allowing her to take the leap into a relationship
  • --
  • Natsumi is more than a little awkward at first, unsure of how to proceed with things
  • But seems to fall into a puppy-dog like state after a short while. It really is reminiscent of a childhood first love
  • She’s worried it might be annoying at first, but Akira shows it to be endearing
  • At one point, Natsumi expresses her one of her largest childhood disappointments was the fact that her father never let her have a pet, despite her love of animals. Recalling this, he eventually gets permission, to take her to adopt an animal. She ends up with a rabbit following
  • Natsumi has a strong love of physical affections and tends to like touching Akira in some form when she can. This can range from a simple hand on the arm or hand hold in public to full-blown cuddle ups in private
  • Natsumi has fallen asleep on Akira more than once following
  • She isn’t against PDA, but it takes her a while to get used to the idea
  • Akira finds it hard not to tease her especially the more she opens up, as she allows a much cuter side of herself out but maintains her attitude at times, often becoming hyper embarrassed
  • Akira sometimes counting Natsumi’s freckles? When asleep? Yeah. When awake? Much to her embarrassment
  • Natsumi gets more than a little concerned about how reckless Akira can be, but never really said anything until the two became an item. She was more vocal about being afraid to lose him to stupid risks.
  • She’ll often leave him handwritten letters
  • As she enjoys taking pictures, Natusmi has a great many of Akira and their friends, but rarely finds herself in any. Following their getting together, however, Akira goes out of his way on occasion to try and get a select few of Natsumi as well. She keeps every picture he takes, no matter how all over the place it may be. She always likes to have a picture of at least him with her
  • Natsumi had never been to an amusement park before beginning dating Akira, and has expressed wishes to rectify this
  • While Akira generally has to be the more forward of the two, Natsumi does begin to regain her brave side once she gathers her bearings, resulting in her actually being the one to initiate their first intimate encounter
  • This didn’t stop her from being morbidly embarrassed about it later, wondering where the sudden urges came from