
2 years, 1 month ago


Those quick to judge are also quick to regret.


  • Cloudy days
  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Sharing tongues
  • Cuddles


  • Strong sunlight
  • Entitled lions
  • Leopards
  • Vultures
  • Liars


  • She had another littermate, but they died shortly after birth.
  • She favors hunting at night, mostly because the strong sun hurts her skin during the day.
  • Kaya is from a long bloodline of white lions.
  • She won't admit it, but she doesn't miss her former Pride that much.
  • .
AGE 4 1/2 years
SIZE Average
SPECIES African Lion
MUTATION White lioness

Kaya is a strong, cunning white lioness who was exiled from her birth Pride. Lost to wander without her family, she struggled to hunt and fend off threats on her own.

Then, she stumbled upon a maned lioness who seemed less aggressive than any other rogue she'd seen. After some convincing, she joined forces with Vark to better their chances with the rogue lifestyle.



Kaya was always a very friendly and playful lioness among her Pride, a kind hearted thinker with a lot of empathy. However, after she was exiled, she became more distrusting of others after she learned it the hard way.

She's a lot more calculating and obsrvant now, developing a better sense of insight when it comes to other individuals. Even so, she's still a pretty upbeat lioness for a rogue, and loves to tease Vark whenever she can. She is extremely protective of those she loves, and even though she doesn't like confrontations, she won't hesitate to protect them if needed.


Kaya was born into the strong Silver Shade Pride, growing up on a thriving land of extensive plains and prey. She learned to hunt with her mother, aunts and sisters, as well as her brother Kiran. The two were very close and developed a strong bond over the seasons.

However, after an unlucky day, Kaya was ultimately banished from the Pride, deemed responsible for the death of two young cubs in a terrible accident. Completely heartbroken, she left the Silver Shade lands, unsure of her future. That was when, after a couple hungry weeks of wandering, she met this strange rogue lioness...


The Silver Shade Pride was always known to have its fair share of white pelted lions, and Kaya was no exception. Born to the King and sire of the Pride, Abasi, Kaya and her brother Kiran inherited their father's lustrous pelt, the sign of a blessing in their traditions.

She grew as a normal lioness like any other, bonding with her pridesisters, playing with her brother and siblings, and learning about life in a pride.

As much as it pained her to see him go, she supported her brother in his decision to leave the Pride in search of a new life. Kaya gave Kiran the warmest farewell she could before he sent off on his journey.

After being exiled, she decided to try to look for him. Surely Kiran would take her in, and help her in these horrible times.


A strong, capable lioness, Kaya was quite the hunter among her pridesisters. Her speed and stealth were up to par, and the older hunters were quite impressed with her despite the disadvantage of her white fur.

Even then, Pride routine didn't have the cunning young lioness out hunting all day. She had the same duties of caring for the cubs of the pride, like all other lionesses. Kaya always loved this task, and found it rather revigorating to share the immense energy the little cubs had.

However, one day, as she was tasked with taking care of a couple of the Pride's cubs, Kaya lost her sight on them. Panicked and terrified, she looked for the cubs for hours on end, only to find their bodies, cold and surrounded by the scent of leopards.

Upon discovering the event, King Abasi didn't hesitate to banish Kaya from their lands. Her incompetence had costed them two young cubs, and such losses were unacceptable in Abasi's eyes.


In all honesty, it was Kaya that conquered Vark's heart. It didn't take long for the white lioness learn how to push Vark's buttons, as well as help her open up more.

KIRAN Brother

Even though it has been seasons since they've seen each other, Kaya still holds a deep love for her brother, and has never forgotten him.

ABASI Father

Being the lion who exiled her from her birth Pride, it was expected Kaya wouldn't view her father very well. She believes he was too quick to give her a harsh punishment, without giving her a fair chance of explaining. She doesn't miss him.