


2 years, 2 months ago


I determine my own strength.


  • Climbing trees
  • Catching meerkats
  • Meeting new lions
  • Long walks
  • Sleeping


  • Rocky terrain
  • Mud
  • Being belittled
  • Warthogs
  • Coyotes


  • He learned to climb because he wanted to see what the world looked like to a bird!
  • He doesn't like warthogs because of their noises, he finds it annoying.
  • He regrets not having Kaya come along with him, but he knew she'd never leave.
  • His nickname as a cub was Kiki.
  • He hated his nickname. It sounded too childish to him.
NAME Kiran
AGE 4 1/2 years
SIZE Bigger than avg
SPECIES African Lion
MUTATION White lion

A large, cheerful white lion, Kiran is the King of the Bright Vale Pride, founded by himself. Although still a growing Pride, Kiran has proved himself to be quite the capable King.

He left his birth Pride, the Silver Shade Pride, as a young adult, hoping to begin a legacy of his own. So far, after a few obstacles, Kiran managed to find himself a nice territory and a few lionesses who put their faith in him, successfully stablishing his rule.



A kind, happy-go-lucky boy, Kiran was always quite the up beat lion. To playing pranks on his sister, to making up new games to play with the other cubs and behaving when his mother begged him to, Kiran is a very playful lion since his youth.

Now, as a full adult and King, he's learning to become more serious and thoughtful. Never straying too far from his playful nature, of course. Still, he's come very far since he left his birth Pride.


Kiran left to start a Pride of his own, hoping to prove himself not only to his father, but to himself.

Now, with a fruitiful territory claimed and a few lionesses at his side, he decided to name his pride as the Bright Vale Pride, in honor of his white colored bloodline, as well as the vast and sunny savannah.

He has yet to sire any cubs, but has proven himself to be a capable King in protecting his lionesses and providing help during hunts.


Born into the Silver Shade Pride, Kiran was held to quite the high standarts. His father, King Abasi, wanted to raise a strong son into the Pride and make sure he'd be of use to their family. Even if he had good intentions, Abasi's way of showing it were certainly... Unconventional.

Abasi's constant expectations and lack of encouragement in the form of positivity made Kiran grow up to be a rather insecure lion as a youngster. Even if his sister tried to reassure him of his worth, he couldn't help but feel dissapointed.

That's when he decided to leave, and start a Pride on his own. Surely, if he was able to establish himself as a great King, in a strong Pride, then his father would see how worthy he really was.


Thriving successfully under his rule, the Bright Vale Pride is currently only a small group of 3 lioness along with Kiran himself. They've established their territory boundaries, bonded with eachother and have many plans for the future.

Kiran hopes to be able to visit his former Pride, to meet his family again and show his father his success. As much as he wants to own up to Abasi, Kiran has begun to value his new family for what it really is, instead of just a way to prove his father wrong.

ABASI Father

As much as he loves his father, he does hold some resenment towards the way he treated him. Kiran hopes his father sees the mistake in his ways, so one day he may forgive him.

KAYA Sister

His support and great friend, he was always very close to his littermate. She encouraged him with all her heart when he decided to leave, and Kiran was always greatful for that. He hopes he can meet her again some day.