


2 years, 20 days ago


But then again, did enemies dance with one another?
Elian Mercer












Chaotic Neutral

The Moon



Alive | Taken


Design notes

  • Only two of his face scars are from crimes, the other's are from an accident when he was a child and his lip scar from a bad breakup, which gives him a crooked smile
  • Hair is not straight despite old art, has curls
  • Hair can be tied up or let down
  • Prefers blue outfits, sometimes with gold highlights if he's feeling fancy, other cool and mute colours are favored too

Physical and Wardrobe Description

Elian is muscular and heavyset, he has a wide chest and dipped hips, and an endomorph body type. His body is covered in scars from his various crimes and from getting out of losing limbs with the long lashing scars all across his back to replace punishments. His body hair is thick, near black and isn’t a fan of shaving so typically has a half grown beard before he remembers to. Elian’s complexion is a darker tan in the summer and less saturated in the winter, colouring can vary. He generally wears clothes that cover most of his body, sometimes having various belts but most outfits are generally simple and quick to put on. Most jackets or tops he wears have a high collar to cover his neck but tends to wear them loose and open.


Elian is a reckless and bold individual, he isn’t afraid of doing things that are dangerous as he has no thought for consequences until after. He has little regard for his own safety, and will act impulsively as he sees fit. He’s a very enthusiastic individual and isn’t afraid to strike up conversations, his charisma also tends to help him get out of bad situations. He is a very good read despite how foolish he may come across and knows more then he tends to let on.



Elian as a child grew up in Galeshallow, raised by a single mother after his father had vanished before he was born. His mother would develop an unknown when he was a baby, which would worsen over the years until she died when he was 8. Due to the illness making her unable to leave home near the end, caused Elian to result in thievery early on to try and provide for them both until her death.

On his own, he’d bounce around from place to place until he’d end up in the East’s capital of Patientia, joining his first group of thieves at age 10. This group would quickly fall apart after a few years and he’d get his first criminal scar, finding himself in a more stable group soon after. He’d be in this second group from his teen years into his early twenties, forced to break away and go solo when his relationship with a fellow thief soured.

Outside of a group Elian would end up getting caught more, causing him to result in blackmail and bribery in order to get out of severe punishments and keep all his limbs intact. He’d end up gathering a pretty blackbook of dirt on a lot of people, especially guards and a handful of nobles. He’d end up attracting the attention of Daemon, a healer in the underground for criminals, his prices for being saved and taken care of steep. Elian would end up falling into his games for years and become severely indebted without knowing it, until the man would tire of Elian, steal his information and sell him out, ending in the thief being exiled out of Eastern Elsmir.

Paper Ashes

As a way to send the exiled to their death, criminals would be given a suicide task with the false promise of pardon. In the case of Elian, he was promised freedom if he could manage to kill the King of the West, something he would take very seriously and prepare for over a year. In order to get close and gather information as a failsafe, Elian would develop the persona of an ambassador from a noble family from Creisil, wanting to know the worth of possibly siding with the West in the civil war. Upon actually meeting Vi, however, his lies would be easily seen through unknowingly, but a lonely king would allow Elian’s game to continue.

Part of Elian’s persona involved a notebook, one in which the man would record every instance of his interactions with Vi, continuing to bother the tyrant king for weeks on end without making a move. Accidentally, the time spent with Vi would start to change Elian’s feelings about his purpose there, having had been treated fairer in his weeks spent there than he ever had in his life, made his already fragile loyalties to the East diminish to nothing. The assassin would have his chance to act on Vi, but would find himself unable to act. He no longer wanted to kill him after everything.

Vi would force Elian to confess about who he truly is eventually, and his unwillingness to finish the job. With the time now spent together, and all the truths now on the table, would allow them to grow closer. One more than the other. As weeks became a few months, their closeness would become too ambiguous for Vi’s liking, especially with Elians’ fondness with realizing he’d developed feelings for the king. Vi, unable to reciprocate or feel the same type of romantic attraction, would be forced to let the thief down easy, knowing he’d be unhappy if they allowed themselves to become something more. Elian, knowing he’d made himself a distraction to his king during a time of war, would leave in the night, deciding to go and find his own life that Vi would rather he have.


Elian would go back to the land he’d taken his persona from, travelling for a year across it’s land and learning its language, finding somewhere to establish himself. He’d end up in a small village up from the coast, where’d he’d end up working for a librarian and his little library. Over the next two years, he’d begin to develop a memoir based on his time spent with Vi to work through his own griefs, a recount of the West Through the Eyes of a King.

Elian would learn of Vi’s death a few months into his publication being finished, which would devastate him for a time but would eventually recover by putting his focus on work. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for him, a piece of their king’s past is not yet finished with him or intent on letting go of what happened. Being he is the mysterious man who left a goodbye letter in Vi’s stead, after all.