Sal (Applepatch)



1 year, 9 months ago


NAME Applepatch
AGE 56 Moons
GENDER Nonbinary [They]
BUILD Fat & Muscular
STATUS Deceased

CLAN Blizzardclan, Seelie Court
ROLE Keeper
MENTORS Thunderscar & Goatslide
VOICE text
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Good



Applepatch is a Keeper and Warrior of Blizzardclan. They are known for their friendly demeanor and willingness to get their paws dirty. They love to tend to the mice at Keeper's Corner and are always ready in case an avalanche were to hit some unsuspecting folks. They get their more southern drawl from their Pa, an old elder that was once a farm cat somewhere far away. Their scars show how battle ready they are.


  • Compassionate
  • Loyal
  • Couragous
  • Aggressive
  • Defensive
  • Avoidant
  • Traditional
  • Stubborn
  • Selfless
introverted extroverted
hostile friendly
apathetic empathetic
hasty patient
awkward charismatic
cowardly courageous
insecure confident
subservient authoritative
passive active



Applekit was born to Jaggedear and Haybark, two regular Blizzardclan warriors with a love of the simple things. Their round eyes and curious questions helped spark the clan from their grieving state of Heavyfall's recent death, a deputy they would never grow to know. Applekit had an overall normal kithood. They were close to their grandpaw', Barney. Impressionable as they were, Applekit picked up his mannerisms and drawl as they grew. When they were five moons old the mass illness hit Blizzardclan and their poor parents passed. They don't remember them too much these days, but they love them all the same.


Applepaw was apprenticed to Thunderscar, an intimidating molly that they quickly grew to love. They wanted to have a scar as cool as his someday! The apprentice took to his way of "working and doing your work well" like a duck to water. They loved coming back after a hard day of training to their grandpaw's stories and comforting licks. Exploring the land both in and out of Blizzardclan was especially fun!They prefer feeling grass under their paws. As they grew older, Applepaw gained a nick on their ear from a real fiesty rabbit while hunting. That sparked Applepaw's love of wrestling other cats and animals. It would be the cause of many of their scars in the future.


Applepatch was a brand new warrior when Dovemoon began changing things around Blizzardclan. The initial isolation was something that happened before they were born, but the rules were something to adjust to. They looked to Thunderscar about it, but he didn't want to talk about rules. All of what Dovemoon was proposing was fine and dandy to them.. mostly. They didn't like how he ate before Barney and the elders. Nor his sourness towards those outside Blizzardclan. So when that storm came one cold night and sucked the resources out of Blizzardclan's stocks, poor Barney passed.

They grieved their Grandpaw immensely, taking his scarf as their own just under the olive one he gifted to them as a kit. That's when Applepatch decided to become a keeper. The farm cat in their blood from their Grandpaw called for them to make a change. While the whole religion aspect isn't their best skill, they have a way with being a comforting voice to others. Then, learning to care for the mice was their favorite! Finally, avalanche training was also no match for their bulk, as their strong legs let them dig deep into snow. They hold the honor of Keeper with pride. Always more of a worker than a figure of religion, but Applepatch never tried to avoid their duty in that aspect. But this foreignness with the courts came back in full force when Dovemoon told them of the omen of the court's demise. They fear for the worse, but plan to stay strong. They only hope to fix this mess before things get bad.

However things just keep tumbling. An avalanche wracks Blizzardclan, leaving them to help rescue the survivors. They alone buried Asterlight and told of her death to the cats they consider kin. Their friend Salmonwalker, a Keeper in training, is severely injured as well. In the fallout they worked double and turned away from Dovemoon's continued slow grip on the clan. Until he decided to strike. In more changes to their way of life and a fruitless conversation with their leader, they now stand against him with the Rebels in secret. There will be no more fear. Cats will never be lost again if they can help it. For a brief time there was joy. Their apprentice Sagepaw grows into Sagesprout.

Yet Dovemoon's fall shadows all things. They act as crowd control and strangly patrol maker while he and Thawheart recover from poison. Whirlpool becoming Head Keeper leaves a sour taste in their mouth. Juniperstrike is taken as the sacrificial lamb for the poisoning and they can do nothing to stop Nettlehop from being exiled. Their friend and fellow rebels chased out. With less cats in camp and hungry mouths to feed, Applepatch works harder. They close off more. They mourn and worry for their friends, but refuse to let it show. Who else could bare this but them? Their kin and clan need them now more than ever. They can only hope to the Courts and Stars Nettle and their clanmates are still alive.


lore notes
  • They got their odd drawl from Barney as a kit.
  • Applepatch has fought several predators over the moons. Boars, foxes, stoats, and more. They got their back scars from a juvenile bear they tried to chase!
  • Their short fur is dense and has a fluffy bounce to it.
  • Has yet to fight a hawk. It's on their to-do list.
design notes
  • Applepatch is FAT AND MUSCULAR! They're average-sized in height. Don't draw them skinny.
  • They have several scars, for their face they have a scar on the right side of their muzzle and two claw scars on their right cheek.
  • Two thin claw scars on their left foreleg. One thin scar on their right foreleg + a bite shaped scar on the white of said foreleg. A nick on their right hindleg.
  • An x-shaped scar on their right flank and a split scar on their left side. Three jagged, bolt shaped scars on their back, this is the largest of their scars.
  • Favorite prey is rabbit
  • Loves to wrestle other cats and large animals.
  • A soak in the hot spring after a long day of work
  • Grooming others
  • Least favorite prey is ones with scales
  • Sitting around all day with nothing to do.
  • Debating.
  • Swimming