
2 years, 1 month ago


Reg name: MAD About you

Call name: Valeria

Sex: Intact bitch (female)

Age: 2 years | Weight: 68 kg (151 lbs) | Height: 74 cm (29 in)

Breed: Spanish Mastiff

Resides: Madrone Kennel

Eyes: Brown
Nose: Black
Ears: drop
Coat colour: Gold urajiro?
Tail: natural sickle
Paw Pads: Black (matches nose)
Traits: ??
Lineage: Import from Spain
Instinct Set: Livestock guardian
Personality: usually sweet (towards humans), dislikes other dogs (except the other mastiffs she is used to) but isn't super aggressive unless she is with her flock, very gentle with the lambs and kids, maternal, usually calm and low(ish) energy despite how much she moves around
Temperament: active, dislikes being still for too long, likes to "make the rounds" and patrol instead of staying with the flock
Likes: milk, chewy food
Dislikes: being crated, waiting (not very patient)
Disciplines: Livestock guardian, tending, cart dog
Small animal aggression: low-moderate
Large animal aggression: none, except, predators (wolves, coyotes, foxes, unfamiliar dogs, weasels, large birds of prey)
Human aggression: Very low
Bite work instinct: None | Property guarding instinct: Low-Moderate | Herding instinct: Low-medium | Tracking  inst: Low | Hunting instinct: Low | Chase instinct: Low
Obedience: Low, very independent
Instinct set: livestock guardian

Show history:
DA page: click
Titles Earned:
Titles Not Earned Yet:


Livestock guardian

Ranch Registry

Ranch Obedience ROJ, ROS, ROM, ROE

Livestock Guardian LGJ, LGS, LGM, LGE

Farm Dog Certified (FDC)

Predator Protection Certified