
Reg name: MAD With Power

Call name: Power

Sex: Intact Dog

Age: 6 mos

Breed: Central Asian Shepherd (aka Asian Mountain Shepherd, Alabai

Colour: Dark gold sable piebald?

Eyes: Brown
Nose: Black
Height: Black
Ears: Cropped (Shepherd crop)
Tail: Docked
Paw Pads: Black (matches nose)
Traits: Medium size for a male
Lineage: Import from Kyrgyzstan
Instinct Set: Livestock guardian
Temperament: Very loud/likes to bark, natural protective instinct around livestock, confident, self-assured, human aggression not as high as it should be, acts tough
Likes: Chilling, staying still, being left alone
Dislikes: Crowds (especially noisy people), fireworks, unfamiliar dogs
Disciplines: Livestock guardian, carting, livestock tending

Small animal aggression: Low
Large animal aggression: Low-moderate (livestock), High towards wolves/coyotes and big cats
Human aggression: Low
Bite work instinct: Low | Property guarding instinct: Moderate | Herding instinct: Low-Moderate | Tracking  inst: Low-Moderate | Hunting instinct: Low | Chase instinct: Low

Same-sex dog aggression: Moderate (towards unfamiliar dogs) | Opposite-sex dog aggression: Moderate (towards unfamiliar dogs)

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