Elaine Saskia



6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


31 (For the 10+ Future RP)


El, Laine (Eren)



Special Ability

No particular special ability, but Elaine has amazing deductive powers


May 5th








Descendent from a long line of prestigious detectives, Elaine is the last of the Saskia lineage. She follows in her family's footsteps, and goes all over solving impossible mysteries...






Solving cases, the approval of others, being open and useful, cool coats


A lack of communication, a lack of understanding, being edged out/being told she can't do something


In the city of Sparta, peculiar characters live in an uneasy peace. Humans and animal-hybrids co-exist together in this world of theirs, however, in Sparta, there always seems to be something destructive going on. Whether it be unexplainable explosions, or mysterious murders, Sparta is a town that is rife with crime that is seemingly without origin or purpose. But still, despite this chaos that runs rampant throughout the town, there are people who wish to do good. Masked heroes, super-groups, good samaritans, all of these people together work to clean up the streets, and make Sparta a safe (or at least, tolerable) place to call home.

But not all stories begin in Sparta. Sure, some may end up there, but who says they had to begin in this reckless little town? While Elaine's story begins in Sparta, it's not the Sparta you know...rather an alternate version from a separate reality. In addendum, Elaine's story only really picks up when she's crossed the dimensional barrier, and the planetary one as well...she knew that the moment she arrived though. Not only that, but she knew that here she'd be appreciated! She found those freedom fighters at the right time. Not only will her skills finally be put to good use, but she'll finally be able to see her brother again...

Physical Description:

Elaine is a fairly tall woman with a skinny, toned build. Unlike her brother, she's quite strong, and is well-spoken. She is a brown cat, and is usually very lively looking. Her tail has a white tip.

She has very short brown hair that is a bit bushy--its unruly nature likely made it very difficult to managed, hence the shortness. Her eyes are an amber orange color.

Elaine's history is similar to her counterparts..(?) Elaine is the only surviving member of the Saskia lineage, a line of famed and prestigious detectives who went cross-country solving cases all over the country. Elaine has been carrying on the family tradition, going from state to state, chasing her desire for solving mysteries. Her recent trek landed her Sparta, a crime-filled area desperately in need of a helping hand. It improved her image a great deal; she loves the attention! But an even bigger mystery is about to unravel once she crosses the dimension and planetary barriers she was unaware even existed...

Unlike her counterpart, what you see is what you get. Elaine doesn't tailor her personality to the company she's around. She has a large heart, and deeply cares for the people she helps--maybe even to a fault. She's easily one of the kindest detectives you'll ever be blessed to meet, that's for sure.


Eren Saskia. At various times in his life, there have been points of diversion. Choosing to visit Sparta, choosing to reveal his true nature to a small group of people, choices like these have proven to be fateful during the course of his life. "Eren-Prime" has trudged onward through life...but what becomes off an offshoot whose life has ended? I've fooled you. This profile has nothing to do with Eren at all. Rather, Elaine Saskia's existence is dependent on one crucial event that is subject to change regarding the reality--the reality where Elaine lives, and Eren dies.

Unlike her brother, Elaine is actually pleasant to talk to on her own. Chipper and genuine, Elaine is a lovely person in that she's both very active in her job and in general. She looks out for her clients, and works hard to make sure they receive the best and quickest care. She has a strong sense of justice and wants to do good for her community. Her selfless nature has often gone unrewarded, but she tries to deal with it as best she can.

She's excitable, and sometimes her energy interferes with her work and judgement. However, she's not without her serious moments. During certain days, or certain moments, she finds herself getting down. But during these times she tries to stay happy, and not hyperfocus on her own problems. It'd be selfish to make everything about her. 

Elaine is incredibly selfless. She'd die for a stranger. While a little bit of selflessness is fine, the amount she has is downright unhealthy for her. Elaine has relatively low self-worth. She never thinks she's good enough for the people she loves, and the events of her childhood cemented these thoughts into her. Thinking back to the day she lost her brother fills her with these dreadful thoughts. Elaine will always feel like she's making up for that moment she let him down. It haunts her.

But in this alternate dimension, on this other planet, Elaine can see her brother again. Through strange turns of events that Elaine can barely make out, she's reached a world where Eren lives, while she has perished. She doesn't mind this too much--her brother is alive, and their parents are dead. As far as she's concerned, this is a perfect world. Here her work will be appreciated, her all the gaps in her life will be filled...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Elaine has trained herself in self-defense. Being able to protect herself and those around her is very important to her, and she pursued this want until she achieved the level of expertise she hoped for. Elaine is not only capable of fighting hand-to-hand, but she trained to handle firearms. Elaine has amazing deductive skills, all instilled in her from childhood. Often times, she doesn't look at people, she looks at their attire and their details--discerning what kind of person they are from outside information alone. Because of her amazing talents, Elaine can solve crimes in days what would take an experienced detective weeks to solve. It really is quite thrilling to watch.

Elaine has a tendency of getting in over her head without realizing, all because she desperately wants to prove herself, or feels like she has to. She also can sometimes get overexcited when working, making her miss minute details she wouldn't normally.

 Bonus Facts:

- Despite the fact her parents are still living, Elaine is not affiliated with them anymore. Considering her childhood, this is not surprising.

- While her counterpart cannot "turn off" his deductive reasoning, Elaine is capable of stepping away from her detective lens. This makes her more susceptible to surprise, but it also makes her a better person to be around.

- Can swim, but hates water.

[ * Ehatr and the subsequent lore belongs to ShadowRose17! * ]