


6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Mid to Late 30s'? Can you tell?


Em (Nina)


Lynx (He's has albinism! Also, he's got a long tail but just go with it)

Special Ability

Not exactly a special ability, but due to his burns, Strife has lost the ability to feel pain.


March 17th








The one by the name of "Strife" has ignited a fearsome zeitgeist amongst his young followers: the impurities of this world must be cleansed with fire.




Bisexual (female preference)


The destruction and desecration of all things impure.


Anyone who tries to stop this.


In the city of Sparta, peculiar characters live in an uneasy peace. Humans and animal-hybrids co-exist together in this world of theirs, however, in Sparta, there always seems to be something destructive going on. Whether it be unexplainable explosions, or mysterious murders, Sparta is a town that is rife with crime that is seemingly without origin or purpose. But still, despite this chaos that runs rampant throughout the town, there are people who wish to do good. Masked heroes, super-groups, good samaritans, all of these people together work to clean up the streets, and make Sparta a safe (or at least, tolerable) place to call home.

But not all stories begin in Sparta. Sure, some may end up there, but who says they had to begin in this reckless little town? While Strife remains now on a prime version of his home planet, his story begins in an entirely different dimension. In this new world his been unwittingly whisked to, Strife hopes to achieve what his counterpart on this planet could not. The world shall be cleansed with fire, and the filth of the populous will be purified in turn.

Physical Description:

"Strife" is a tall man with a relatively thick build, albeit more muscular than big. He is wearing large clothes and jackets, which make him appear even larger than he actually is. He is an albino lynx, although it is possible he could be a feline cross-breed, due to his long tail.

He has no visible hair, and his eyes are a bright red. He wears a mask at all times to hide horrible burns, and consistently wears heavy and modest clothes. While his counterpart wears a hat to hide his burned ears, Strife refuses.

Strife's history is similar to his counterparts. Strife was born on the planet of Ehatr, a world parallel to the one in which Sparta reside (albeit they're a little behind the times in terms of innovation). Castles, kings, regions and truces, it is a world with both unique creatures and unique stories to be told there. Emery grew up in Mayrai, and quickly he got into "harmless" trouble with a gang of his. In his youth, much is a blur of rebellion, but his entire world came to a halt when he was drafted into a dangerous, senseless's the events after this war, however, that changed the course of Strife's life...

During the war, Strife was horrifically burned during the conflict. Captured by enemy soldiers, he was doused in gasoline and set aflame--it's a miracle he even survived. The event left Strife with very serious, full-body burns. He cannot feel physical pain, as most of his nerve-endings have been burned away. He is also, unfortunately, horrifically disfigured. To hide his face, Strife wears a mask 24/7.


Emery Salthea. At various times in his life, there have been points of diversion. Choosing to start his notorious street-gang, choosing to date and marry the love of his young life, choices like these have proven to be fateful during the course of his existence. Emery has trudged onward through life in a sad, depressive haze...but what becomes of the road not taken? "Emery-Prime" has made his own fateful decisions, but what about the Emery's that chose poorly? What about the Emery's that chose correctly? Or, in the case of Strife, what about the Emery that refused to stop his reign of "purification," and now brings the world to a ruinous fire?

Soft-spoken and and curt, Strife is unlike his counterpart in that his silence does not reflect inherent humbleness. Rather, Strife is more of a man of a few words when he's not required to speak. He is stoic, serious, and a businessman who wastes no time with idle chatter. He acts freely and without conscience, using his speaking skills and persuasive charm to win any audience.

Strife strives to be the common enemy of all. While his counterpart has some semblance of a will to live, Strife only lives to eventually die. He feels that if he is evil enough, more people will seek to kill him, and all Strife strives for is to die a death where he goes down fighting. While his goal is important to him, he doesn't have to be present to achieve it. It just has to happen at some point, and he knows those closest to him will carry out the burden if he carks it.

Strife, like his counterpart, has suffered from clinical depression since puberty. He used to self-harm frequently, and while occasionally he still falls back on the acts as a crutch, it is not done as frequently. He gets out most of his self-loathing through his acts of extreme cruelty. He's embraced how much he despises himself, but hopes that someone will kill him, rather than him killing himself. Strife will throw himself into a conflict if it means there's a chance he'll perish.

But until the one who will end him appears, Strife will continue on his path like an unstoppable machine. No matter what world he's on, or what dimension he's on, his task remains the same. He must purify this world through a cleansing fire, and bring an end to the dirty, unseemly society others have gotten used to. He'll restart his group as many times as it takes, and rebuild in new dimensions, if it means he'll be able to achieve his goal.

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Strife has a lot of strengths, and while he doesn't often get his hands dirty, he is not afraid to broadcast his might. To begin, Strife could convince you of anything. He's a natural-born public speaker, and has a comforting voice that can coerce almost anyone to his side. It's no surprise he managed to turn half a population of people against their own country. Strife is also quite fit. Funnily enough, he can do parkour, as his old gang before the war often got around through that method. Due to his burns, he can no longer feel most pain, and he will continue to fight until his legs cease to move.

Because of his inability to feel most physical pain, Strife has a hard time gauging if he's being hurt or not. He could be getting poisoned, and he'd never know. He could be getting horrifically scarred, and never know. Another weakness of his is his fear of fire. It leaves his completely terrified and immobile. Not to mention his PTSD, and his depression which has persisted since his teenage years...

 Bonus Facts:

- Hopes to die a valiant death at the hands of someone he has wronged. He wants some purpose in his death; he'd rather go out fighting than quietly.

- Unlike his counterpart, he did not keep on with art therapy. He feels no need to heal.

- Until the entire planet is cleansed, he will never stop.

[ * Ehatr and the subsequent lore belongs to ShadowRose17! * ]