Emery Salthea



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Mid to Late 20s'? Can you tell?


Em (Nina), Strife (Former-Alias)


Lynx (He's has albinism! Also, he's got a long tail but just go with it)

Special Ability

Not exactly a special ability, but due to his burns Emery has lost the ability to feel pain.


March 17th








After his plans were thwarted by the Freedom Fighters, Emery was given a second chance by them.




Bisexual (female preference)


Drawing (he's a very talented artist. It was a part of his therapy during his recovery!), children (reminds him of what could have been, which is nostalgic for him), parkour (he used to do it when he was younger)


Feeling useless and being a burden, fire (obviously)


In the city of Sparta, peculiar characters live in an uneasy peace. Humans and animal-hybrids co-exist together in this world of theirs, however, in Sparta, there always seems to be something destructive going on. Whether it be unexplainable explosions, or mysterious murders, Sparta is a town that is rife with crime that is seemingly without origin or purpose. But still, despite this chaos that runs rampant throughout the town, there are people who wish to do good. Masked heroes, super-groups, good samaritans, all of these people together work to clean up the streets, and make Sparta a safe (or at least, tolerable) place to call home.

But not all stories begin in Sparta. Sure, they may end up there, and exist there now, but who says they had to begin in this reckless little town? No, Emery's story begins on an entirely different planet...and on that planet Emery had an entirely different life. Under the guise of the villainous "Strife," Emery Saletha amassed a large following of disillusioned citizens, and brought a country to war with itself--nearly destroying it and perhaps many others. Now, saved and reformed by a planet-hopping group of "freedom fighters," Emery tries to live the rest of his sad, sad life in Sparta, and in relative peace...

Physical Description:

Emery Salthea is a tall man with a relatively thick build, albeit more muscular than big. He is an albino lynx, although its possible he could be a feline cross-breed, due to his long tail. 

He has no visible hair, and his eyes are a bright red. He wears a mask at all times to hide horrible burns, and consistently wears heavy and modest clothes.

Emery was born on the planet of Ehatr, a world parallel to the one in which Sparta reside (albeit they're a little behind the times in terms of innovation). Castles, kings, regions and truces, it is a world with both unique creatures and unique stories to be told there. Emery grew up in Mayrai, and quickly he got into "harmless" trouble with a gang of his. In his youth, much is a blur of rebellion, but his entire world came to a halt when he was drafted into a dangerous, senseless war...

Emery was horrifically burned during the conflict. Captured by enemy soldiers, he was doused in gasoline and set aflame--it's a miracle he even survived. The event left Emery with very serious, full-body burns. He cannot feel physical pain, as most of his nerve-endings have been burned away. He is also, unfortunately, horrifically disfigured. To hide his face, Emery wears a mask 24/7.


Emery doesn't seem like the type to start a fight. Of course, he's this masked, large, intimidating presence when you first meet him. But after a conversation with him, you'd be surprised to learn this man's lethal and rough past. In all honesty, he fits in well in Sparta. This dangerous and rumbling city is a good place to disappear into. More than anyone, Emery desperately hopes to be forgotten... 

Soft-spoken and humble, Emery is a quiet and kind man who is very reclusive. Normally he keeps to himself, and stays out of the way of those who saved him. He has a simple, gentle voice that is like honey to the ear--he's a wonderful speaker and even moreso a good listener. If you need to talk to anyone about your worries, Emery is the man to talk to. He never judges, is always attentive, and if you need advice he's the one to give it to you.

He can persuade people easily, and while he used to use that ability for nefarious means, he now uses it as a tool of peace. As a strict pacifist, Emery now often talks himself out of fights, instead of starting them. He is patient and considerate of others, often paternal towards the younger members of his group. Emery doesn't like to cause problems, and because of this, reveal as little of himself as possible to others.

When he gets going on a speech, Emery has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth. There are times where he just can't stop, and someone has to remind him that he's going too far. It's an old habit he chastises himself for...and he chastises himself a lot. Emery is clinically depressed, and his symptoms began to appear prominently after puberty. He used to self-harm frequently, and while occasionally he still falls back on the acts as a crutch, it is not done as frequently.

All in all, he hopes no one notices those unseemly things. Emery keeps to himself, and enjoys the quiet solitude Sparta has to offer him. He hopes to pass away his horrible, unforgivable days alone. It's what he thinks he deserves, and he'll gladly serve his sentence if it's all he can do to repent for his crimes. Unfortunately, unless it is dealt with, the past has ways of coming back...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Emery has a lot of strengths, although he'd deny them vehemently. To start simply, Emery is a nice guy. He's a natural-born public speaker, and has a comforting voice that can coerce almost anyone to his side. It's no surprise he managed to turn half a population of people against their own country. Emery is also quite fit. Funnily enough, he can do parkour, as his old gang before the war often got around through that method. Due to his burns, he can no longer feel most pain.

Because of his inability to feel most physical pain, Emery has a hard time gauging if he's being hurt or not. He could be getting poisoned, and he'd never know. He could be getting horrifically scarred, and never know. Another weakness of his is his fear of fire. It leaves his completely terrified and immobile. Not to mention his PTSD, and his depression which has persisted since his teenage years...

 Bonus Facts:

- Before his burning, Emery was reportedly QUITE the looker. He got a lot of attention from a lot of sources. It helped make him even more charismatic than he already was. Unfortunately for those suitors, Emery already had a girlfriend from his gang-life...who quickly became his wife after...well...lets just say they went and bought baby close right after finding out.

- As a way of coping, Emery has taken up art therapy! He normally draws portraits of his late wife, though he varies it up on occasion!

- Emery does not have origins as a Sonic the Hedgehog fan-character. He's inspired by a character from a TV show I enjoyed as a teenager.

[ * Ehatr and the subsequent lore belongs to ShadowRose17! * ]