Allete Bellerose



6 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Age/Birthday: 25, June 22nd

Pronouns: She/Her

Height: 7' 2"

Species: Harpy

Class: rune fencer

Weapon of Choice: Rapier

Friends: Crystal, Storm, Copper

Likes: Money, fancy stuff, high class living, performing, magic, runes, birds, roses, gemstones, supporting her friends

Dislikes: bugs, gross stuff, living in the woods, being called a monster, messes, ill mannered people

Job: Performer




Bellerose grew up in swampy lands with her harpy flock, which by more humanoid society has been seen as 'monstery' folk that lived in stories of misdeeds. Of course this wasn't true and a rather terrible misconception of her people which left them to life in rather poor homing and mistreated by higher society.

Bellerose at a young age decided that, this life was not for, she wanted to live a big beautiful life of glamour. she learn rune fencing from her sister, an art that was passed down in their family and they greatly prided themselves in learning. When she was old enough and skilled enough she packed her things and left home to the city.

in her travels from the marsh to the city, Bellerose was nearly intercepted by a dragonborn named crystal who was ragged, poor and just lookin to get her next meal. Crystal had made an attempt to mug Bellerose, but was quickly put to a stop at bellerose Rune Fencing abilities.  Bellerose had caught Crystal in her act of thievery, but chose to forgive and took it upon herself to teach Crystal proper edicate and the way of being a rune fencer.

the two of them started up an entertainment business, doing fencing shows in local towns to make quick money until they were able to work enough to rent out a cheap theater in the city (its a bit of a struggle as people tend to looked down on Bellerose due to her monster based orgins and Crystal rough background) 

Bellerose small company consist of herself and crystal who doing the floor show,  Copper, a dwarvern man who handles repairs on costumes and the stage and is the general 'muscle' of the group, and then a snow elf named Storm who does 'promotional stuff or whatever' as he would put it.