


6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Age/Birthday: 22, April 9

Pronouns: She/Her

Height: 6' 3"

Race: DragonBorn

Class: Rune Fencer

Weapon of Choice: Rapier

Friends: Bellerose, Storm, Copper

Likes: Money, good livin, the idea of own a motorcycle, being out in the ran

Dislikes: coming out of rain and feeling cold, paperwork, train rides

Job: Performer




once living on the streets, grown in poverty. She learned to get by by rather unsavory fashion. from mugging people, full on heist or just most dirty  jobs she could get her hands on. 

this is how she met Bellerose, finding this harpy woman alone wandering into a town late at night Crystal took the chance to take whatever valuable items this woman might have.  Crystal failed terribly as the tables turned and Bellerose took control of the situation with her skills as a rune fencer. 

Bellerose gave Crystal a second chance to redeem herself. Crystal promised to stop her criminal ways, learn the way of the rune fencer to one day make it rich in the city with her new best friend Bellerose. 

Crystal is also quiet taken with Bellerose, but she would never tell her that.Â