Leer's Comments

I noticed this guy in 'unused, maybe' but he doesn't have a price or tags attached so is it okay to offer on him? 

If you are taking offers, I'd love to offer $30 <3 

You're allowed to offer! I'm just kinda unsure on him at the moment, but $30 is in considerations!

Okay no worries! Ty!

Hey! Sorry it took so long to get back, if you're still interested I'm open to selling. Please send money to [email protected] if you are, and I'll transfer them over!

I would plan to reuse the idea of eyes coming out of the stitches, but I feel like I could make something a lot more suited to my tastes, so I'm alright with letting this one go as long as I can reuse the concept with different colors and shapes.

Hey sorry I've been offline for a few days! I've sent the money