


6 years, 6 months ago



Goobee was stolen from her home when she was all but a month old. Remembering nothing more of her mother and sibling then the feeling of warmth of them near her she cannot really say where she came from. Or even how she ended up in the care of the strange 6-legged monster called Puppet. Puppet is not the one that stole her but she is the one that more or less took care of Goobee. However, “taking care of” is a loose term Puppet did little more than make sure Goobee was alive even then that was only just. For the most part Goobee grew up alone in the large tree house built up and around the massive tree that grew on the island in the strange realm Puppet lived in. The tree was huge It’s own little world plenty of things for the young Goobee to look at and explore. Many of the rooms are unused. Goobee grew up more or less alone with only the animals that lived around and in the tree Puppet rarely talked to her. It was not until she came across a strange box in one of the rooms. It was a box of metal part she dumped them onto the ground. Interesting she soon realized it was some sort of puzzle. She piled the part back in the box and took it to her room. Over the next couple of days she finally got the strange puzzle together it turned out to be a metal kitty much like she was with one eye. She was even more surprised when the metal kitty started to move and talk, she thought it was thanking her. She didn’t know or care she had a new fiend!!! Sprocket as the metal kitty called himself became Goobee best friend talking with her teaching her reading and words. It was hard but she tried she like all these new things to do she didn’t know all the papery rock where useful. Sprocket seemed to always hide when Puppet came around so Goobee never told puppet about him she thought it was just some strange game. When Sprocket went on to teach small magic Goobee was so happy such pretty thing she could learn to do. It was on a trip to the upper branches and the butterfly garden that Goobee discovered her gift.

It was a special day in the butterfly farm the rare flare wing butterfly where emerging from their cocoons the butterflies where so pretty the most prettiest things Goobee had ever seen then they started flying away Goobee panic she wanted the pretties to stay there. It was a growing pain in her chest and a sudden pop as one of the butterflies fell to the ground trapped floating in a bottle. Goobe was confused but then existed she rushed to show Puppet. Puppet showed some small interest but only just dismissing it. However, it was an eye opener for Goobee she could keep the pretties.

Goobee is not dumb or stupid but growing up alone away from the world for so long she cannot be called smart either. She only started to talk after Sprocket was made as well as learning to read count and write. Being alone also leads Goobee to have very loose concept of right and wrong or even general rules. Hurting other is bad collecting pretties is ok. Those she does kidnapped she brings back to her home. Most of the normal animal just decide to stay. Most of the people she kidnaps do stay for a time before leaving the tree to where they were from either on their own or with help from Sprocket. With the memories of goo gone. Those that try to hurt Goo are trapped in glass forever in a room of the treehouse. The museum of mean pretties. You might feel sorry for them but most deserve it or are better off trapped. Sprocket does do his best to free those he thinks deserve their freedom.

Goo just wants friends she doesn’t know kidnaping is wrong she just want to play with pretties.

 Goo bee ability is generating magic bottles most of witch capture those she want to play with some have their own side effect on them to change those trapped inside 

Goobee is my version or sibling of this cyclot