


2 years, 1 month ago



He only loves those things because he loves to see them break

Spidertongue is the widowed mate of the former Oceanclan leader, Icestar. A weak and unmotivated warrior to begin with, Spidertongue began to slip into unhealthy and lethargic habits as an apprentice, a pattern he never broke. His spirits and enthusiasm remained low until he met Icepaw, a young warrior who took an interest in him. During the time Spidertongue and Iceflash were mates, Spidertongue's spirits were at an all time high. Despite his lack of competency, he was able to participate willingly and happily with his fellow warriors.

After Icestar's shocking death disrupting the clan, Spidertongue lost his protection that came with his mate being leader, and once again became an easy target for his fellow warriors, slipping back into his unmotivated former self. While he tried his best at raising Silverkit alone, he soon came to the conclusion that he wasn't meant to be a father without Icestar at his side, and grew to unconsciously resent his own kit for taking his only love away.
















Pessimist Optimist

Naiive Perceptive

Reserved Social

Sassy Polite

Patient Foolhardy






Spidertongue is an unmotivated warrior who appears to be nothing more than a shell of who he used to be.

Growing up as the least impressive of three siblings, it was easy for Spidertongue to being seeing himself as holding his clan down. His poor self image of himself, along with mocking from his clan, only reinforced his perception, and he grew to be a meek, underperforming warrior. Spidertongue values his privacy and time alone, and nests further away from the rest of the clan since after Icestar's passing. He is prone to anger and will often sulk alone if another warrior goes too far and offends him, but he has made a point to never lose his temper in front of Silverwish. While he was able to blossom into a more social and kind warrior during his time as Icestar's mate, he was never the same after her death.

Positive Traits
  • Independent
  • Careful
  • Elusive
Neutral Traits
  • Hypercritical
  • Passive
  • Conscious
Negative Traits
  • Cowardly
  • Sanctimonious
  • Insecure
  • MOTHER???
  • FATHER???

Eelkit was the middle born of his other two siblings, Nimblekit and Tallkit. Named after their unusual gauntness as newborn kits, the three got along just fine until apprenticehood. Eelpaw's emerging ego made it hard for him to support or even get along with his siblings, who reached out to him in concern. After long enough, they decided he just wasn't going to get out of his own head, and left him to the mercy of his fellow clanmates.

After meeting fellow apprentice Icepaw, Eelpaw felt too happy to think about himself. He devoted his time and energy towards courting Iceflash. Spidertongue felt nervous about having to raise kits and have a family, but he knew that with Iceflash at his side he would be a decent father, and that he could do anything as long as he did it with her. Even after a clan leader's sudden death thrust Iceflash into a leader role, he continued to stay by her side and love Icestar through anything, including her rough pregnancy.


Born simply as Eelkit, the young cat got along with his siblings incredibly well, the trio always playing or pulling pranks on other cats. Eelkit loved to catch bugs, a habit his siblings found gross and would tease him for. He loved to toy with them and observe them for a period of time before occasionally eating them, though he never relied on them for sustainability. Eelkit was never bothered by this light mocking until the adult warriors took notice and tried to curb the odd habit.


Advancing to an apprentice and receiving his mentor, Dappleshadow, began Eelpaw's self esteem issues. Seeing his siblings effortlessly succeed and progress in their warriorhood did a number on Eelpaw, who wasn't able to grasp things as easily as Nimblepaw and Tallpaw. Eelpaw began to fixate on others instead of honing his own skills, and was frequently distracted and lost in his own head. Dappleshadow did their best to mentor Eelpaw, but ultimately was unable to make a good warrior out of him.

Eelpaw's first solo task to prove he was ready to become a warrior came a moon too early, before Dappleshadow had properly taught him. Eelpaw ventured out into Oceanclan territory to catch prey for the clan, and came back to the clan with a rather large spider in his mouth.

  • Preffix ━ Spider  The spider he once brought back instead of fresh kill.
  • Suffix ━ Tongue  Spidertongue's unreliable standing as a warrior.
  • Bugs
  • Catching prey
  • Lazy days
  • Confrontation
  • Gossip and nosy cats
  • Clan gatherings

  • Cautious, plays it safe
  • Holds his tongue and minds his business
  • Would make a great wavewatcher
  • No experience fighting
  • Not fast enough to catch meaningful prey
  • Incredibly pessimistic
  • Likes to catch bugs and toy with them before eating them, though he usually eats them when his clanmates aren't watching.
  • Protective over Silverwish, but rarely lets it show.
  • Tries to be a good role model for Silverwish, but very hypocritical.
  • BREED Domestic Shorthair
  • BODY TYPE Skinny
  • BUILD Lanky
  • HEIGHT 11"/29cm
  • SEX/DSAB Male
  • SCARS None
  • SCENT Dust
  • PELT COLOUR Tuxedo
  • FUR SHAPE Slick
  • EYES COLOUR Grass green
  • WEIGHT 9.5 lb
  • WORTH $1

Spidertongue is the middle kit from a litter of three equally lanky cats.

His pelt is a sleek black, with occasional white markings to break up the inky blackness. The tips of his paws are white, and his back leg socks are mismatched. His tail is always crooked and never curls smoothly. His face and muzzle are sharp, but his cheek fur is never properly groomed. His claws are always partially out. Spidertongue isn't the tallest of his siblings, but the skinniest, and proportionally the lankiest, though his bones don't show through his skin. He barely weighs more than his daughter Silverwish, and is very unstable on his feet during a fight. He is more flight than fight, having zero scars or long-lasting injuries due to playing it safe and keeping his distance during border scuffles.

 mentor -

Dappleshadow and Eelpaw started out on good terms, the older warrior being thrilled at a chance to mentor one of the three promising kits in Oceanclan. Eelpaw had the makings of a fast, nimble warrior, as his other siblings began making great improvements in their skills. As time passed though, Dappleshadow began to notice a lack of effort in Eelpaw's part to learn. They noticed him constantly playing hooky and would find him lounging on the riverbank, or catching bugs close to the Marshclan border.

Any efforts by Dappleshadow to steer Eelpaw back on the right path were met with an apathetic, uncaring attitude becoming of any adolescent cat. Dappleshadow began to tire of training an uninterested apprentice before long, and though they tried to be patient, they began to get on Eelpaw for little things, only irritating the young apprentice more.

After a disastrous border patrol duty that ended with Eelpaw abandoning Dappleshadow during an attack by a rogue, Dappleshadow had enough. In the middle of camp and in full view of every Oceanclan cat Dappleshadow scolded and berated Eelpaw heavily for abandoning them during a surprise attack while Eelpaw bitterly took the verbal lashing. Dappleshadow, frustrated and fed up training a warrior who wouldn't pull his weight, dropped the mentorship there and then.

 daughter -

The more time passed, the more Spidertongue was sure that the runt of his litter, Silverwish, would survive. This brought bittersweet feelings to the cat━though he was relieved one of the kits would pull through, he felt a sense of resentment growing in his heart that Icestar had left him for good, and his own kit was the cause. He pushed those thoughts aside, but in time the feelings deepened, and Spidertongue grew to harbor resentment towards Silverkit, believing her as the cause behind his mate's suffering.

Spidertongue began spending less and less time with Silverkit as she grew up, preferring to leave her in the hands of the clan while he went hunting or swimming to be alone. The times she was in his presence, he tried his best, but acted more like a distant mentor than a true father. It was clear that Silverkit thought the world of Spidertongue, but this only deepened his ego troubles, and led to him withdrawing more to hopefully find her a better mentor.

In time, Silverpaw realized her father never truly desired to be close to her. After a tumoultous moon or two of Silverpaw sulking, she let it go, and made her peace with it. She had plenty of other cats in Oceanclan watching her back, even if they found her annoying at times, and was okay remaining a friend to her father.

Iceflash and Spidertongue were incredibly close, with the two going out of their way to do patrol or even hunt together as warriors. After Icestar received her nine lives as the newest-and youngest-leader of Oceanclan, she began to worry about her future, and told Spidertongue she wanted kids. Spidertongue, hesitant at first, warmed up to the idea knowing he'd have Icestar by his side, and felt confident enough to agree.

During Icestar's pregnancy, the queen began to experience horrible visions in her sleep, and often in the daytime while awake. Chalking it up to nightmares at first, Icestar became too rattled to sleep, greatly alarming Spidertongue, though she would not disclose anything about them. She became irritable from lack of sleep, and would often overwork herself, not wanting to rest or fall asleep again.

The stress and sleep deprivation pushed her to give birth early to four premature kits, three of whom did not survive the hour. As Icestar lay exhausted and in pain, Spidertongue came up to her to comfort her. As Tallwaters, who had been watching over Icestar during her birth, ran to get herbs she believed would help Icestar's pain, Spidertongue took his chance. He licked Icestar on her head, his final goodbye, before suffocating his mate by crushing her windpipe and putting Icestar out of her misery.