


2 years, 1 month ago


Nia is a highly respected leader within the Revolutionary Army division, known for her expertise in infiltration. Using her Zoan Devil Fruit ability to transform into a seagull, she is able to blend in with her surroundings and gather intelligence on various locations such as Marine bases and government buildings. She then creates blueprints to help the Revolutionary Army sneak into these locations undetected.

Prior to joining the Revolutionary Army, Nia was once a member of the Marine until a certain event caused her to defect. She is often referred to as 『国賊』(kokuzoku), meaning betrayer in Japanese, by the Marines. However, Nia now goes by the alias "Crescent Blade."

Her weapon of choice is a Scythe-Boomerang fusion, of which she owns two. The weapons can be attached and detached, and Nia is highly skilled in speed, making surprise attacks by throwing her weapons. During mid-fight, she can transform into a seagull and fly behind her enemies to attack them from behind, before transforming back into her human form and retrieving her weapon to strike them again. Nia also utilizes the tactic of throwing one weapon while attacking directly with the other, leaving her enemies with little time to react or dodge.