General Nova


Basic Info

Full Name

Nova Univeius

Actual Age



Clairvoyance & Mind Alteration: Ability to alter or brainwash the target's mind


General of an Imperial Army



One and only Humurous Rival

General Talibus


Nova is actually a general of an army and fleet, currently he is on his so called "hiatus", so he goes on his own choice and decide to voyage in the cities across for his own enjoyment, you can't keep him on the leash unless you give him a piece of mind but he would smug and laugh in your face but he will apologize afterwards. Many other enemies think he's rather a joke since Nova has a hobby of cross-dress in his own time, don't underestimate this guy for he has out lived and conquer many enemies down his path all until General Talibus came into play. It was once in a while someone can finally withstand Nova attacks and it made Nova quite intrigued about this General that he began to toy with them. Talibus thinks this was one of Nova ways to manipulate his enemy but Nova find the man humorous since Talibus is easy to piss off. Nova likes to hit on women a lot but he doesn't bring up some things of himself that he thinks it will make people move away from him. He then met Talla after two months of his hiatus and known her for two years afterward.