General Nova's Comments

"Ahah your coming home with me... /ref" 

Insert lust taking Nova back to his home

"Your my husband now /j"

heh good doodle idea

plus in the forum u mean for Nova or Codi, i was a tad bit confused

UHhhhhh I meant Nova sorry for not clarifying my english is ass, Big vocabulary bad grammar and wording

also ill draw that dont challenge me. it do it do it

plus it's all guud i have to look up big words to sound cool :P

i did it

also im unsure if i wanna ask you to see if we can get these two to romance as you seemed kinda "Mm prehaps but not def"

Would be funny if he tried to kill nova then they ended up dating story for the family /hj

Oh totally, im all for the fun trust me. if you knew me in discord which i used to have but was forced to delete im hysterical af

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