Nolatrelta "Nola" Elise



Nolatrelta "Nola" Elise

"And, well, I sort of like being here with these idiots. They’re my idiots."

Name:Nolatrelta Elise
Gender:Male (He/They)
Orientation:Gay / Asexual
Race:Reborn Yuan-Ti
Class:Undead Warlock / Shadow Sorcerer
Voice ClaimJonathan Sims

Nola is the adopted member of the Elise family - one of the three noble families in Zalarin. After leaving Zalarin in search of a place he really felt like he belonged, he got roped into a random quest with two strangers...

What started as taking down a small group of bandits led by two kobolds in a trenchcoat... has escalated to facing off against a vengeful fallen god, puppeting the body of an old adventurer from Zalarin. Nola has become a sort of "leader" of the party (Now called The Irregulars). Obviously, the situation is stressful as all hell, and he often wonders how he got here in the first place...

But honestly? He's alright with where he's at. He's found where he belongs... and it's somehow with this gaggle of weirdos that he's begun to consider a second family.


Nola, on the surface, is cold and relatively stern. He's very introverted a majority of the time and pretty bad at social interaction. Nola tends to miss a lot of social cues - both due to his autism and his lack of experience with close friendships for a majority of his life. He also can be somewhat closed off emotionally, bottling up his emotions and avoiding dealing with them. He has repressed a lot of his more negative childhood memories. This obviously is… not effective, and can often lead to the few times he IS being emotional to be more intense and harmful to himself.

What Nola lacks in people skills, he makes up for in his intelligence. He is extremely knowledgable in fields related to history and magic. If you give him the chance, he WILL talk your ear off about these topics. He can be a bit obsessive when he gets invested in a subject. He is very analytical and logical in his thinking, often trying to find set reasons for things occurring and preferring to carefully plan things over acting on impulse. He can seem a bit stubborn, both in his lack of comfort towards sudden change and his own strict set of morals.

In truth, despite his closed-off behavior and awkward mannerisms, Nola is good at heart - He does care deeply for the people he's close to, as much as he may not show it on the surface as easily as other people. Since he struggles to form relationships and feel comfortable around others, he is often protective of those he is close with.

  • Reading/Books
  • History
  • The Irregulars - as much as he may deny it at times.
  • Cake
  • ... Fire?
  • Loud Noises
  • Cold Weather
  • Socializing (For long periods of time, at least)
  • Elita /j

  • Nola is autistic. He has some tactile stims people could easily pick up on such as him cracking his knuckles WAY MORE than he needs to and tugging on his shirt/coat collar. His special interests are history and magic.
  • Nola has tritonomaly. He didn't actually find this out until like midway through the campaign lol.
  • He is ambidexterous!
  • Nola has a pretty high pain tolerance due to his undead nature. Some of his senses are also a little dulled down compared to other people’s - taste and smell.
  • Common isnt technically his first language. He could understand it, but didn’t speak it frequently until he was adopted by the Elise family. This is also the reason he picked up the Elise family’s accent - its just how he learned to SPEAK common. He does occasionally forget words that he doesn’t use frequently.
  • He’s actually a very heavy sleeper. If you asked, he’d never admit it, but he does really like sleep. Sureee, he doesnt NEED IT, but its still NICE.
  • When he gets very emotional (or drunk lol), his usually supressed hiss becomes a lot more noticable.
  • Nola gets cold extremely easily. He hates colder seasons/weather. He LOVES sunny weather and warmer seasons like Summer or Spring. He's normally a person who likes to stay indoors, but on sunny days he is outside as much as humanly possible.
  • He's actually a very good singer... he just doesn't rlly sing in front of other people.
  • Nola used to have a pet snake! He never was the most social kid, but his adoptive parents noticed him trying to talk to the garden snakes in the garden a lot soooo… they got him a one as a pet! His name was Lucifer, but Nola just called him Lucy.
Design Notes

  • He's 5'8.
  • He has a lot of smaller snake- like traits - he has slitted pupils, fangs, and a forked tongue. He also has blue scales lining part of his chest, upper arms, lower torso, and lower back to the middle of his back starting from his tail.
  • Nola has a few scars - his eye, which he almost always keeps covered with his hair, and a stab wound on his lower right stomach. He also has a magical scar of sorts on his chest, around where his heart is. This scar slightly glows and has left the scales in the area a different color from the rest of his scales..
  • He always has dark circles under his eyes.
  • His ears are pierced, but he just wears plain silver stud earrings.
  • His nails are painted black.

Nola is very pale, with very little color in his face usually side from the darker circles beneath his eyes. He is thin with little to no notable muscle tone. His hair is long, with a fluffy/wavy texture to it. His visible eye is blue, with a slitted pupil akin to a snakes. His scarred eye is unable to fully open, and is a more clouded over white.

Backstory (Will Be Left Unfinished Until Fully Revealed In Campaign)









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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.