Nolatrelta "Nola" Elise (Nola Morozov)



6 months, 25 days ago


  • Yuan-ti Reborn (Brought back to life by Azul)
  • 27
  • Very quiet, and keeps to himself for the most part. 
  • Has trouble trusting others and feels the need to rely on himself now. Doesn’t accept affection easily.
  • Ok but honestly once he does actually trust you that man is laying down his life for you. He is very loyal. Anyone who fucks with you is screwed. Setting that bitch on fire. /hj
  • Extremely blunt. Very honest with people and it leads to him coming off like a dick a lot of the time.
  • He is also not afraid to be assertive when he needs to be. At all.
  • Even with his own issues goin on he’s not rlly insecure like in dnd. He’s very sure of himself - not in a cocky way, but he doesn’t fuckin hate himself LMAO.
  • His sense of humor is really sarcastic/cold. He does joke a lot, surprisingly, they’re just… usually very mean. Even worse is he has almost no change in tone when he jokes so it is HARD to tell he is being sarcastic
  • Actually very intelligent. Knowledgeable about magic since he took a big interest after becoming an avatar to Azul.
  • Pyromaniac. Let this man around fire and there will be problems.
  • Eeee he smokes. Sorry y’all.
  • Has a bit of a chaotic side to him at times. Bro can be scary in combat when push comes to shove.
  • He doesn’t like talking to others much, but he DOES actually like talking to Azul. She asks him a lot of random questions about mortal things lol
  • Still has Pluto! Found him as a stray during a job and didn’t wanna just leave him to die. Pluto is a weird lttle cat. Bro does odd shit. He’ll steal ice cubes out of your drink. He’ll meow at walls for no reason. Sweet, but strange baby.
  • Has a Russian accent in this AU. Common isn’t as easy for him lol.