


6 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Cécil Delafose (Please call me Candlelight... I don't deserve my real name...)


Candle, Candlelight, C


Combat Medic


French White Caucasian


Cis Female





Sexual Orientation

Bisexual (Leans equally either way)




Relationships: Candlelight has always been a little reserved and generally avoided relationships, but she isn't exactly new to romance. She found a partner in a member of her old unit, a Sniper by the name of Augustine Ménard. Their romance lasted all the way until the events resulting in Candlelight's entire unit. As a result, Augustine has been her only long term romantic partner. When she joined the Red Cloaks, however, she met a rather strange woman named Jess. Prone to pessimism, Jess - at first - intimidated her, even accidentally dragging out the memories of her lost unit. However, after gaining some insight into how Jess's mind worked, she began to think of her under a different light. It eventually resulted in a hook up, Candlelight's first ever one-night-stand. And although a relationship was never going to be an option, Candlelight still cared about Jess. Unfortunately... in a battle to retake part of the Chicago district... Candlelight met her end in order to save Jess from her own. Jess survived... but Candlelight didn't, seemingly breaking through to Jess's heart in doing so.


History: Candlelight was once a Field Medic in the French armed forces and grew exceptionally attached to her unit. She earned her nickname because of her warm, motherly nature and apparently filled her unit with hope, much like a candle in a dark tunnel. So, during a particularly high risk operation, a string of unfortunate events eventually lead to the whole unit being cornered, left to fend off the siege of Kalen advancing on their position as they waited for air support. The support came to late. When the dust cleared and the Kalen dead… Candlelight’s entire team was dead. She was the only survivor. On the helicopter ride back to the barracks, she cried in anguish and claimed she was responsible for their deaths. She was then Honorably Discharged and was given extensive professional help for her survivor's guilt and PTSD and it helped... for a while. However, the war was still raging and people were still dying. She couldn’t sit idly by and not do anything, she didn't want anyone else to die without a proper chance for survival. She felt personally responsible for so much of the war's casualties. The French army wouldn’t take her, so she turned to the Red Cloaks. There was bound to be something she could do there, right?