Wind Chimes



2 years, 1 day ago


Wind Chimes is a D&D Kenku made for the first campaign I'll be playing in.

Class: Barbarian | Subclass: Totem Path with wolf and bear spirit animals
Background: Urchin | Alignment: True Neutral

They are named the literal sound of wind chimes. Everyone else says or writes "Wind Chimes" to say their name.
They have a gender, but can't convey it due to being unable to talk so no one knows their gender.
Wind Chimes's silver bear necklace is of their spirit animal. It is a token from their parents.
They own a Zune with some small speakers. They are still looking for a way to charge it.

Canon D&D Lore:
Always wears silver in graveyards so a soul doesn't take over their body
Has wings of an eagle tattooed across their back which represents their want to fly
Wind Chimes can perfectly copy any sound, but cannot create original sound or speak their own thoughts.
I help people who help me-that's what keeps us alive.
Use Wind Chimes's axe in your playthrough of Draw A Stickman Epic 2


by iinvy helped by LowkeyWicked