


2 years, 1 month ago



"Hold on a second. Are you...kidnapping me??"

Kotaki is a apprentice tattoo artist who can make his drawings come to life. His most renowned work is a maroon and black octopus he tattooed on himself, the familiar who made him realize his powers.

His magic is linked to his blood, and his drawings only gain sentience/movement if the ink he uses is mixed with his own blood. This causes him to become light-headed when overusing his abilities.


Name Kotaki Takuyura
Age 22
Gender male (he/him)
Species human
Height mid
Occupation tattoo artist
Demeanor friendly, emotional

  • street food (esp takoyaki)
  • drawing
  • content
  • content

  • cigarettes / secondhand smoke
  • riding on motorcycles
  • content
  • content

Design Notes

  • Kotaki rarely has his hair down (only when showering or sleeping). It's usually tied up in a little tail.
  • His eyes are normally maroon but turn a more vivid red when he's using his powers
  • Fashion Style: Modern and casual. Jackets, sweatshirts and ratty shoes. Wears a lot of black and neural colors (plus red and maroon). Dresses like a broke college student.
  • Prop: Drawing tablet and pen


Kotaki is the type to get along with just about anyone. He's friendly, social, and companionable and is always able to help a friend out if he's around. He can be a bit naive and easily convinced to do things he probably shouldn't, but he always gives people the benefit of the doubt whenever he can.

He lives in a seedier part of his city and works in a hole-in-the-wall tattoo studio as an apprentice rapidly gaining experience. He does freelance artwork on the side in which he draws graphics for clients, but his main source of income is his commissions for tattoo designs and his labor at the studio.

He doesn't live paycheck to paycheck, but he's scraping together his meager savings to save up for his own workshop and an apartment where the faucets don't leak. Things look like they're starting to turn around for him, though, when a mysterious client gives him the biggest commission he's ever had in his career thus far. The only catch? The client can't come into the studio, so he has to be the one to go out to them. And he has to sign some kind of NDA blood contract to prove he'll work on the piece on their terms. There's no way there's anything suspicious about this...right?

Motifs / Themes

  • octopus, tentacles
  • ink, tattoos
  • blood magic
  • red thread
  • art, drawing struggles


  • Takkun is Kotaki's tattoo (of an octopus that comes to life sometimes). It has been a part of him ever since he was a teenager. After having a falling out with his family and running away from home, he conceptualized Takkun as his first and irreversible step into the world of tattoos and inked art. His familiar coming to life is his most closely guarded secret, as magic is something he's never been familiar with and has no means to study or pursue.
  • Kotaki's ability involves mixing his blood with ink and infusing his subjects with an intense emotion that brings it to life. At the start, Kotaki had no idea how Takkun came alive but now he's come to realize that Takkun is a unique work; it's something like a familiar who synchronizes with how he feels.
  • Kotaki wouldn't do anything for money, but he's been pretty hard up on cash ever since he started living on his own. Being poor sucks, but he prides himself on doing work only he's capable of doing. Even if tattooo work doesn't always pay the bills (that's what odd jobs and part-time work is for) he finds that his work is something only he can do, and is proud of his pieces.
  • Kotaki is pretty naive and slow on the uptake. He has zero emotional self-awareness, and doesn't know he's bi-curious even though he most definitely is.
  • He loves animals! Many of his more popular tattoo works feature different animals and geometric patterns.
  • He enjoys eating seafood, especially squid and octopus snacks. If Takkun could speak, it'd probably have something to say about this.

Alternate Forms

  • Outfits - MAIN | ALT | TECH
  • Sea & Skyline - octopus
  • Familiars AU (lss; 3 animals)
  • Foxtopus AU [CS]