Alexandrios ★



2 years, 1 month ago



Species: Denizen God

Age: Older than the first civilizations.  

Occupation: God of Knowledge and Language. 

Title: Avatar of Knowledge and Language. 


Gathering Knowledge:

Can use all the knowledge that have been ever known by any mortals. He knows pretty much any magic spells that have been ever created by the denizens. However, he doesn’t have access to the knowledge of demons, novaborns and other gods.

Narrate into existence: 

Can move around objects, and makes them appear by describing actions orally.  

Likes: Silence, darkness, magic candles, the smell of dust, mortal’s literature.

Dislikes: Bugs, fire, intruders, disorganization.

God and incarnation of the mortal conception of Knowledge and Language. He lives in a gigantic library, where he tries to record any known knowledge and gather the one he doesn’t have access to himself. It would be impossible for any mortal to even read a fiftieth of the books present here during their lifespan. The library itself seems to have its own consciousness and often acts on its own.

He is regularly helped by the Time Goddess and the Dreamkeeper in his task of gathering knowledge in exchange for access to some books.

He also respects the Denizens more than other gods and really enjoys their literature. Alexandrios is also the one who created the common language used in all the galaxy in an attempts to favor peace and unity between mortals. But the recent war left him really bitter and lead him to resent them a bit. He also doesn't allow any of them in his library anymore, and has replaced all of his assistants with automatons. He stays more cloistered than ever, rarely accepting any visitors.

He has a bit of an uppish and cold demeanor, he also very cynical and always frowning as his default expression. But when his curiosity is piqued and the prospect of acquiring new obscure knowledge presents itself, he can act in a very enthusiastic and almost childlike way.

•Never miss an opportunity to share knowledge, whether you like it or not.

•Has a hard time trusting others. 

•No one has ever seen him truely angered.


Tavus: An old assistant that betrayed his trust to access forbidden knowledge, is one of the reasons he doesn't allow mortals in his library anymore.

Enko: Current and only non-automated assistant. He's very satisfied of his hard work and rigor. 

Synchrosia: Always had a friendly relationship with her, she helps him access knowledge beyond his reach and created automatons to remplace almost all of his assistants in his library. They both share their disapointment in mortals.

Zytara: Absolutely despise her attitude and the way she manipulates mortals and "brainwash" them.

The Dreamkeeper: Doesn't mind letting her roam into the library and likes to share his knowledge to her and try to teach her to be wary of the other gods and their schemes. She helps him gather knowledge about the dreamrealm, demons and novaborns.