The Dreamkeeper ★



1 year, 10 months ago


The Dreamkeeper 

Species: ??? 

Age: Uncertain (she doesn't know herself) 

Occupation: Manager of the dream realm. 

Weapon/Artifact: The Dream Wand

An artifact she inherited from her predecessor that only she can wield and allows her to manage the dreams. However, she loses her ability to wield it when she leans too much in her demonic side. 


Extract and corrupt dreams: She can extract dreams from the subconscious of people in the form of bubbles and jump inside them and use them as portals. She can extract energy from those dreams to fight if needed. She can use this power even on herself, but she would rather not to, as it gets uncontrollable quickly. When she leans toward her nightmare form, those bubbles get corrupted and hatch into nightmarish abominations. 

The Night Shroud: A shadowy mist that surrounds her, puts to sleep anyone it touches.

Likes: Pastries, tea, traveling, loafing around, books, dark arts, collecting mortal's technology and gadgets.

Dislikes: Her job, most of the denizen gods and Novaborns.

The current Dreamkeeper is the strange result of a weakened demon who got to devour the previous Dreamkeeper, who was a Novaborn, which ended up creating a being who somehow took on a very mortal-like form. Although she inherited the abilities of both beings, she has retained none of their memories. She's still forced to obey the Novaborn's cosmic authority, and she was ordered to succeed as the new Dreamkeeper.

The Dreamkeeper is responsible for maintaining the fragile balance of the Dreamrealm. However, she is not very competent at her job due to her lack of experience and tendency to slack off. She spends most of her days off loafing around or aimlessly wandering from place to place using her portal bubbles. Like most Novaborns, she has not been given a name and is named after her function. She struggles to figure out who she is and find an identity for herself, which often leads her to unpredictable behaviors.

She tends to have more sympathy for demons and, unlike the Guardian, does not kill those who try to invade the Dreamrealm on the spot. Instead, she lazily pushes them away.

•Has a very curious and enthusiast nature.

•A bit childish and easy to manipulate sometimes.

•Often a bit too blunt and insolent, except with mortals, with whom she acts more softly and patiently.

•Doesn't like to show herself to mortals too much, even if she's quite fascinated by them, and puts them all to sleep whenever she visits any areas. 

•Heavily dislike the authority she's under.

•Likes to study outer space creatures in her free time.


The Dream Guardian: She's actually his hierarchic superior (even if it looks the other way around most of the time) however she doesn't like to act as such. He often scolds her to get back to work, and she finds him a bit too boring and strict sometimes. But besides that, she quite enjoys his company, as he's really calm and respectful of her boundaries. He also acts as a mentor for her most of the time. 

Hamal: She allowed him to stay in the Dreamrealm even if she doesn't know exactly why he has to hide. He pretends to be an old friend of her demon past self. She acts friendly toward him, but finds him quite annoying sometimes.

Alexandrios: One of the few gods she actually enjoys the company of, she likes to spend time in his library and borrow books she often forgets to bring back. 

Alyrae: She belongs to her cosmic court and has to obey her commands (they are however pretty rare) She despises her a lot.