


2 years, 1 month ago



Name Hazelhawk

Past Names Hazelkit, Hazelpaw

Gender Afab Genderfluid (he/she)

Orientation Bisexual

Rank Deputy

Residence Dragonclan (past), The Wondering

Theme Song Name

HTML Pinky


Hazelhawk was the former deputy of Dragonclan under Viperstar's reign, she was born to Hollybriar and Coyoteash along with their littermates Chestnutkit, Icykit and Cottonkit. Hazelhawk finds it easy to make friends but struggles more with deeper connections. But he still tries his best in everything and always has to be the best no matter what.



Hazelhawk is a tall brown tabby with a few spots, her very long and her fur sleek, her eyes appear to be a mixture of yellow, green and brown (aka hazel). He has a torn left ear and a long scar on his chest that runs down through his belly to her right flank.


  • She can wear either feathers or nettle leaves as accessories.
  • There are 3 dots that in the spot between his eyes, I know it's a lil hard to see with the ref.
  • Usually has like a smug or shit eating grin on her face.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Hazelhawk is very social and isn't afraid to strike a conversation with anyone, he's very proud of his abilities and will brag about it with cats she is close with, she's very competitive and sometimes will go overboard, but he's also very considerate of everyone and will go out of her way to include everyone in activities to make sure they don't feel left out.



She loves to win and the feeling of winning, maybe because she got extra training as a child and that made her think sbe was better than everyone else, and for some reason he has to prove it and make sure everyone knows about how great he is.


Hazelhawk loves to be in yhe spotlight and the center of attention, it makes him feel validated.

Doing Stuff behind everyone's back

Because she is such a golden child and a perfect angel and can do no wrong, he loves doing harmless but forbidden stuff behind everyone's back like going into non clan territory to take a nap, it feels good to break the rules every once in awhile y'know?

Chilling and vibing

Yes he loves to challenge others and always be on top, but vibing on a sunny rock is also good, especially since Draginclan's territory is very thick with foliage, it's rare he gets to sunbathe so that makes her love it even more.



She always has to be the best, and losing is nit being the best.


He hates the silence, when the fox attacked her family they fell silent and she never got to say goodbye. If it starts getting quiet, Hazelhawk would always feel the need to fill it.


She felt so cold when she almost died, she never wants to feel that again.


The water makes him cold and he doesn't like that, she's still good at swimming because she forced herself to practice it, but this is the one thing that he doesn't mind failing.



Hazelkit was born with three other siblings, Chestnutkit, Icykit and Cottonkit, but their time together didn't last long, all of his siblings were killed in a fox attack, Hazelkit almost died as well but her father, Coyoteash sacrificed his life before she died, the fox attack left a torn ear and a long scar down his flank, but otherwise he recovered quickly.

His mother, Hollybriar started to train him as soon as she recovered, to make sure she could defend herself in case anything like that happens again, the extra training made Hazelpaw into a prodigy and he was constantly praised for his abilities, making her have quite a big ego, she loves challenging the other apprentices but he soon got bored as they didn't quite satisfy his competitive spark.

A young warrior named Rattlemoth caught Hazelpaw's attention one day, Rattlemoth was also a prodigy like her and it was clear that she would be a good choice for deputy, while Hazelpaw didn't particularly want to be deputy in the first place, he challenged her for the position anyway. Rattlemoth proved herself to be the perfect rival for Hazelpaw, she's also competitive like him and can actually keep up with her, while Hazelpaw always considered Rattlemoth as her friend, she knew that the other warrior didn't view her the same way.


Hazelpaw soon became Hazelhawk and was having the best time of his life, he enjoyed the life of being a warrior and his skills kept on improving, she's a very social and easy-going cat, making her quite popular and respected in all the clans, it was no surprise when Hazelhawk was chosen as the new deputy, his skills were perfect for the position and he slipped into his new role immediately.

Hazelhawk could tell that Rattlemoth was extremely jealous of her, so she tried her best to let her know that she's her friend and not her enemy, it took a while but Rattlemoth did end up warming up to him and they became good friends, always having each other's back but still keeping that friendly competitive spirit to keep each other on their toes.

During his days as deputy, he met a Crystalclan warrior called Nettlewhisper, they hit it off right away and became partners, Hazelhawk would use her deputy title to cover up her constant disappearence and everyone trusted her so much that they didn't expected a thing. But of course, loyalties wavers in cross clan relationships, and that's exactly what happened with Hazelhawk.

Dragonclan and Crystalclan has been going on and off about declaring war on each other, and a battle happening at the border of their territories was inevitable. Hazelhawk fought as fiercely as any other warrior at the battle, she tried her best to not let Nettlewhisper get into her mind, he didn't want his clanmates to suspect anything.

But then she saw her partner getting attacked by her mother. Without thinking, he charged in to defend Nettlewhisper, attacking his own mother in the process, guilt washed over her as Hollybriar's eyes widen in shock that her own kit attacked her without hesitation to protect the enemy warrior. Hazelhawk knew that nothing he says now is going change anything, so he didn't even try to hide it, Hazelhawk announced that she and Nettlewhisper were in love with each other and are partners in front of everyone.

Hazelhawk knew she would be exiled from the clan, she expected that, what he didn't expect was Rattlemoth clawing his throat off in pure rage, hatred shined in her eyes as she roared at Hazelhawk to leave. Feeling fresh warm blood gushing out of her throat, Hazelhawk turned tail and ran as fast as he could with Nettlewhisper trailing behind him. Panicking, she ran into a random cave and collapse on the cold stone floor, the last thing she saw was her partner's crying face as the world slowly blacked out.

The Afterlife

Nettlewhisper died shortly after Hazelhawk and the lovers were reunited. They saw a path if twinkling stars and knew that was the path to Starclan, but before they climbed the stairway to heaven, they were greeted by Hazelhawk's littermats. He was so, so happy to see them again, but...why weren't they in Starclan waiting for her? Why were they here? And if they're here, then where's dad?

Her siblings responded that kits weren't allowed in Starclan as they were never blessed by the stars through a ceremony. They followed that path of stars with their dad and he was let in while they were not. Upon this realization, Hazelhawk knew that he wouldn't be let in Starclan either. Breaking the rules was one thing, breaking the rules as a deputy was a different story.

He had faith that Nettlewhisper would be let through and told them that they should go on without him, they didn't deserve to miss out on paradise because of her. Her partner protested profusely and said that they agreed to stick together no matter what, that doesn't change now because they're dead, and they wouldn't miss out on paradise because there is no paradise in a place that rejects kits for not being "blessed".

Hazelhawk was touched deeply and her heart soared. They decided to wonder with Hazelhawk's littermates as spirits together, and spent the rest their days talking and watching over their family.






Hollybriar was a good mom to Hazelhawk, maybe training a 3 moon old kit how to fight was a bit much but he still loves her. He feels extremely guilty for scarring her in that battle and if she had the chance, she would apologize to her.




He doesn't remember much about his father, but he knew he died saving her life and that enough for her. She wished she could get to know him in the afterlife, but it is what it is.


Chestnutkit, Icykit & Cottonkit


When they were all alive and young, she remembered being closer to Chestnutkit more than the others, but now that they were all reunited, she has all of eternity to get to know them all again.




He felt sort of betrayed by Rattlemoth's behavior, but he gets it and doesn't hold it against her, maybe she even deserved it for lying to her friend for that long? Either way, she knows she's a good cat through and through.




The love of her life, her soulmate, her other half. Hazelhawk would do anything for Nettlewhisper without hesitation. She's super grateful that he decided to stick around even after all the drama she put him through.