Viola Eventide



2 years, 1 month ago


- Basic Information -
Full Name: Violaceous Eventide

Alias: Viola, 


Title: Princess's Bodyguard, The Fifth Lost

Gender: Transgender Female

Species: Anthropomorphic/Elk

Age: Unknown

D.o.B.: Unknown, but she claims it's on the day that winter ends.


City of Birth: Unknown

Currently lives: The Palace, Kingdom of Urtain

Languages Spoken: Commonspeak

Relationship Status: Single

-Physical Appearance-
Height: ' " (m)

Weight:  lbs (kg)

Hair colour: 

Eye colour: 

Feather colour: 





Scars/distinguishing marks: 

Frequently worn Jewellery: 


Drug User? Which?: 



Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: 


  • Soothing: Everything that she does brings about a sense of calm to those who witness her. Is it the swaying pace of which she does things? The melodious manner that she whistles? Or the gentleness of her approach to various scenarios?
  • Loyal: She has never broken a promise throughout her life. She does take advantage of the wording in a promise to ensure that she comes out correct most of the time. She gets displeased when she doesn't win, but she won't do anything nefarious if she has been bested.
  • Quiet: She speaks very little. It's not that she doesn't like to "mince words". She just likes to find a way to sound pretty, though that may take some time. She would appreciate fancy words to add to her vocabulary. She is bothered by noisy individuals, however.
  • Patient: She has all the time in the world. She knows not to rush actions, that by doing so could result in disaster.



Favourite/Disliked Food: 

Favourite/Disliked Drink: 


Hobbies: Yoga, poetry, being in harmony with nature, 


Team Info: Primarily acts as Power; capable of fulfilling the Speed role.


  • She play the flute really well. It's common to find her swaying to her own tunes. She tends to get carried away by her own performances, but it's difficult to bring oneself to interrupt her.


  • Poetry: She really, really loves it. To be able to recite it, to feel the words pour from from her tongue, to envision the emotions of the author when they composed such a beautiful piece.
  • Lithe: She appears to be dancing all the time. She glides when she is simply walking. She draws circles in the air when she is only catching a stack of dishes that was dropped by careless servant who had tripped over. She recites poetry as she pummels and bashes her foes into submission.
  • Mighty: Power comes from a belief in oneself, and many moons of training. She once served under a demon lord to bring peace to the land, and he had taught her well.
  • Herb Lore: Ask her anything about the flora of the Urtain region, and she can deliver all the information about them to you. She can also identify them at a glance. We're not sure if she'd glanced at the plant in question before she made such a statement, but Princess Halene trusts her without a doubt.
  • Cooking: Her meals are rare, but when they are prepared, it is a moment of jubilation. She tends to make simple meals to keep her prowess with the ladle and wok hidden.
  • Weapons Mastery (Adjudicator/Barbarian Fighting Styles): She is remarkably skilled with one-handed weapons and shields.
    • Sword: Her blade dances like leaves in the wind.
    • Spear: Her thrusts are as swift as a thorns on a rose.
    • Axe: The tallest of towers will fall to her axe.
    • Shield: Her wall against wrath and misfortune.

Special Attack(s):

  • Grapple: Basic action. Requires her chain-spear. With the spear-tip caught onto something (sometimes piercing into them), she can either pull the object at her foes or swing to places that she normally cannot reach.

Ability to operate vehicles? Which?: 

-Family and Friends-
Parents: (Deceased Mother) (Deceased Father)

Is the character still in contact with parents?: No

Siblings: (Deceased younger sister)




  • Sword and Shield; Guardian's Arms; Indomitable Fortress; Sanctioned Life: A sword and shield from times long gone. They are looked after really well despite their age. Her sword is kept blunt on purpose. It is said to cleave foul energies with ease.
  • Spear; Thorn; Spike; Piercing Heart: A spear from times long gone. There is a thin chain connected to the tip of the spear, enabling her to lash further than she could already reach or hook onto objects. The mechanics of this weapon are a mystery even to her.
  • Axe; Hatchet; Hack; Felled Soul: An axe from times long gone. It has a unique property of returning to its owner after being thrown. The grip of the axe always lands in its owner's open palm, ensuring that Viola is never harmed by it.

Extra Info:

  • No one has ever seen her open her eyes.
  • She tends to be found in the Central Garden within the Palace grounds, where she would be meditating, exercising, or playing her flute. One has to wonder if she even eats.