Princess Hanele



3 years, 4 months ago


- Basic Information -
Full Name: Yra-Halene Scylla Dweartsturm

Alias: Princess Halene


Title: Sovereign of the Splash, The Remedial Princess, Epitome of Hospitality, Resplendent Heiress

Gender: Female

Species: Anthropomorphic/Tiger

Age: Around 20



City of Birth: 

Currently lives: The Palace in the Kingdom of Urtain

Languages Spoken: Commonspeak

Relationship Status: Single.

-Physical Appearance-
Height: ' " (m)

Weight:  lbs (kg)

Hair colour: 

Eye colour: 

Fur colour: Teal-green

Hairstyle: Sidelocks and twin ponytails are held down by ring-weights.




Scars/distinguishing marks: None.

Frequently worn Jewellery: A choker, 


Drug User? Which?: 



Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: None.


  • Responsible: Every matter matters. It's hard for her to ignore any concerns in her life or kingdom. She will make sure that problems are dealt with as soon as possible, and she would like to be updated on these matters at every opportunity.
  • Perfectionist: She has high expectations of those that she encounters. She would be perplexed by anything less than her expectations. But she would continue to have great expectations of the people she has been recommended to. Not romantic interests, however. She has an exceedingly high expectation for that.
  • Sarcastic: Her anger is expressed through scathing remarks and off-hand insults. She dislikes to be waited on by others, for every second matters.
  • She is meticulous with her choice of words. She chooses the right words for the right situations, ensuring that she delivers exactly what she wants. She is not pleased with those who waste their time and breath.



Favourite/Disliked Food: 

Favourite/Disliked Drink: 


Hobbies: Gardening, water sports, swimming, dancing (is shy about this), 


Team Info: Primarily acts as Speed; capable of fulfilling the Power role.


  • Medicinal Care: She is an expert at treating wounds and injuries without the use of her powers. Those who have been treated by her are said to be able to live on as if the injury didn't exist.


  • Magic Mastery (Water Manipulation): She wears a cloak made of water as a sign of her prowess. She can raise tidal waves and imprison her foes in bodies of water, even as far as to breathe underwater as if she were one with the fish.
  • Strength: She may not look like the type, but she can definitely throw a punch that sends one flying. She just doesn't like to use it frequently, putting it to use through her weapons instead.
  • Weapons Mastery: (Empress/Executioner Fighting Style) She is capable of using other weapon types, but she is more proficient in the following:
    • Khopesh: Her swings with this blade appears as if she was dancing to an unsung rhythm.
    • Bident: Even the thrusts and swings of this weapon is reminiscent of her performances.
  • Dancing: She doesn't deny that she dances in her free time, but it's not a spectacle that anyone can witness.

Special Attack(s):

  • Bubbles: Basic spell. With a gentle wave, bubbles are released in a general direction. These bubbles explode on impact.
  • Burst: Basic spell. After gathering enough water to form an orb in her grasp, she lobs it at her target. On contact, the orb explodes with sufficient force to send her target flying.
  • Spirals: Basic spell. With a thin tether of water, she draws spirals, then sends it forth in a direction. Parts of the spiral that do not make contact with anything will disperse after a considerable distance.
  • Cleanse: Intermediate spell. This enables her to remove impurities from any water source, which includes other people. This results in them being ejected from the body of water, as if they were spat out.
  • Downpour: Intermediate spell. She summons a storm cloud that covers a large area. Instead of an ordinary rain, the water is concentrated onto her target. Imagine large buckets of water being dumped onto you that you are forced to stay down.
  • Spout: Intermediate spell. A vortex of water suddenly forms below her targetted area, shooting skywards and bringing anyone with it into the sky.
  • Tsunami: Advanced spell. A great wave rises from a distance behind her. She must channel her magic to ensure that the wave will slam down at where she is, washing away everything while she is unaffected by the impact.
  • Undertow: Advanced spell. She floods an area with water. Though the surface is calm, the currents underneath rage around her, throwing anyone caught off their feet and into the waters. She would be standing at the centre, channeling her powers to ensure that this spell continues until she has had enough, or she is exhausted by it.

Ability to operate vehicles? Which?: 

-Family and Friends-
Parents: (Mother; deceased) (Father; alive)

Is the character still in contact with parents?: Yes.

Siblings: A few

Partner/Spouse: No



  • Khopesh; Razor Waves; Surgical Gash; Burning Panacae: Her personal blade. 
  • Bident; Accuracy; Precision; Maelstrom: This two-pronged spear is often seen in the hands of her bodyguards, who use it more frequently than she does. But in her hands, she uses it with a force greater than what her guards would dare to use.

Extra Info:

  • Her dislike towards Prince Naso is tame in comparison to Prince Tore's dislike. She's been seen having conversations with him from time to time, but she doesn't like how lackadaisical he is towards his duty. He is slowly paying off his debt by sending supplies of fertiliser and materials to aid in the recovery of her destroyed garden.
  • Despite living in a swampy region, she has a strong dislike for the murky waters surrounding her kingdom.