Hashizume Miori



6 years, 5 months ago


"I'm feeling confident, Murakami-senpai. Please don't ruin it."


  • Name || Hashizume Miori
  • Kanji || 橋爪 美織
  • Meaning || 美織 (miori) means “beautiful fabric,” and 橋爪 (hashizume) means “bridge, claw.”
  • Alias || Tennen (天然 lit. "natural," but is used to describe someone who is airheaded)
  • Age || 16
  • Gender || Female
  • Birth date || July 9
  • Constellation || Ensis
  • Nationality || Japanese
  • Occupation || Border combatant; High school student
  • Status || Alive
  • Affiliation || Border
  • Branch || HQ
  • Position || Gunner
  • Theme || TBD


5751980_syXGtQsKrSdFGOh.pngAir-headed || Dreamy || Lazy || Emotional || Passive
MBTI: ESFJ - The Consul || Enneagram: Type 8 - The Challenger

⇀ Description

Miori's defining trait is her absent-mindedness. She is constantly forgetting things, and she is easily distracted. The people around her have to keep a close eye on her because she has a tendency to wander off and get lost. She often gets called an idiot because of these things. She is very imaginative, and she can often be found daydreaming or just lost in thought. She is quite lazy, and she doesn't like doing things that require a lot of effort. If it something important, she will put in more effort, but she tries to avoid work more often than not. She will sometimes come up with elaborate plans to get out of working, which causes people to wonder if she really avoided work in the first place. 

She is a very passive person, often just going along with whatever people tell her to do (unless it involves hard work). She hates confrontation and will avoid it at all costs, sometimes at the cost of her own happiness. She would rather be docile, as she says it is less work. She can be very emotional, as well. Her emotions can change quite suddenly, which can surprise people. The biggest example is how easily she cries, which leads some people to call her a crybaby. She can also be quite shy, especially when she is around a lot of people. She hates talking in front of many people, and she will often freeze up or start crying, once again displaying her emotional side.

⇀ Stats

















Work Ethic




⇀ Preferences


  • Music
  • Being around water
  • Lying around


  • Confrontation
  • Public speaking
  • Hard work


⇀ Description

Miori is a girl of small stature, causing people to think she is younger than she actually is. She has light skin and ash brown hair that she normally keeps in a low side-ponytail. She has pink eyes, and she normally has a curious look on her face. In her Trion form, she wears a green double-breasted jacket with gold buttons and black stripes along the sleeves. Her unit's emblem is located on the right side of her chest, and Border's emblem is on the left shoulder. She has black shorts with a darker green cuff along with two brown belts, one that holds her handgun holster and the other with a small pouch attached. She also wears black thigh-high boots with protectors over the knees.

⇀ Important Notes

Triggers and Abilities


She has been considered a prodigy ever since she joined Border. She started with 3200 usage points at her enlistment, and she defeated the Neighbor simulation in 8 seconds. It has been said that she is easily on par with some A-Rank combatants, so she is often questioned as to why she joined the B-Rank No. 19 team.

⇀ Triggers

Asteroid: This Miori's Trigger of choice with her handgun.

Viper: She uses this Trigger for surprise attacks. She can shoot so that her opponent thinks she missed, but then the bullets turn sharply to hit them.

Shield: Her speed and reflexes allow her to use her Shield to easily deflect attacks.

Spider: She uses this Trigger to limit her opponent's mobility so they are easier to shoot. She can also use it as means to increase her own mobility.

Grasshopper: She uses Grasshopper to get into a favorable range or to move quickly around her opponent. Her great marksmanship allows her to hit targets accurately even when she is moving.

Bagworm: Like most Border agents, she uses this for stealth.

MainAsteroid (Handgun)Viper (Handgun)ShieldBagworm

⇀ Side Effect

Enhanced Vision: Her Side Effect grants her incredible vision. She has 6.00 vision, translating to 20/3.3 or 6/1 vision. This means that she can see detail from 20 feet (6 meters) away that someone with "normal" sight would see from 3.3 feet (1 meter) away. 20/20 or 6/6 vision is 1.00, meaning her eyesight is six times stronger than the average person. This is useful for spotting and tracking enemies, and also for aiming.

⇀ Statistics

TrionAttackDefense/SupportMobilitySkillRangeCommandSpecial TacticsTotal

⇀ Other abilities

Marksmanship: She is known for her frightening accuracy with her handgun. She can shoot accurately while moving around at quick speeds with Grasshopper. Her accuracy is largely due to her Side Effect. Because of her great vision, she can shoot accurately at longer ranges than most Gunners.

Reflexes: Her good reflexes allow her to quickly adapt to situations, such as using her Shield to block sniper fire.


⇀ Background

Even as a child, Miori was absentminded and curious. She would always wander off and get lost, causing her parents or her older sister, Yoriko, to search for her. Yoriko always seemed to be looking out for her and taking care of her. Yoriko was the good child. She was responsible, she got good grades, and she was an overachiever in school. Miori, on the other hand, was ditzy and did mediocre in school. She was always in her sister's shadow, and she was expected to act just like her. People at school always saw her as "Yoriko's younger sister," but she could never live up to that image, it seemed. Although, there was one thing that Miori was good at that Yoriko wasn't. Athletics. Miori never wanted to participate in sports, though, until she heard about her school's swim team. She always loved swimming, so she decided to join. However, even then, she couldn't escape her sister's reputation. She realized that as long as she was at school, she wouldn't be able to escape. After hearing about Border from her friend and classmate, Hanzaki Yoshito,, she saw her chance. There, no one would know her sister, and she would be free to make a name for herself. She joined, and it was discovered that she had a natural talent as a Gunner. She was asked by Narimatsu Masami to join his unit, B-Rank No. 19 Narimatsu Unit. With her on the team, they began winning more matches, and they rose to be B-Rank No. 09 at the start of the current Rank Battle season.

⇀ Family

Father: Hashizume Kuniaki

Mother: Hashizume Ayuka

Older sister: Hashizume Yoriko (19)

⇀ Other Relationships

Teammates: Narimatsu Masami (leader), Suganuma Toshiki, Inamine Himeko (operator)

⇀ Important Moments

  • At age 13, Miori joined her school's swim team.
  • At age 15, Miori joined Border as a Gunner.
  • At age 15, Miori joined Narimatsu Unit.
  • At age 16, Narimatsu Unit rose to B-Rank No. 09.


⇀ Hashizume Yoriko [ Miori-chan || Onēsan ]

They love each other, though they aren't necessarily close. There has always been a barrier between them because of the expectations put on them. Yoriko wishes she could be more carefree like Miori, while Miori wishes she could excel at things like Yoriko.


⇀ Narimatsu Masami [ Hashizume || Narimatsu-senpai ]

Miori has a lot of respect for her captain. Narimatsu is very confident in Miori's abilities, and he believes that she will only get stronger. Because of this, he is always pushing her to train (though she runs away a lot). He is very patient with her, even when she starts to forget things. He often works with Himeko to keep an eye on her. Miori looks up to Narimatsu, though he says that her admiration is misplaced. However, she hates when he forces her to train, and she thinks he looks intimidating sometimes.


⇀ Suganuma Toshiki [ Miorin || Suganuma-senpai ]

Suganuma makes fun of Miori and messes with her a lot. Because of her non-confrontational personality, she doesn't fight back, leading people to believe that he is just bullying her. However, he is very fond of Miori, even giving her the affectionate nickname "Miorin." When Narimatsu and Himeko start to gang up on him and call him stupid, he tries to band together with Miori, saying that they are both idiots.


⇀ Inamine Himeko [ Miori-chan || Inamine-senpai ]

Miori and Himeko are close, being the only two girls in Narimatsu Unit. While Himeko is quite pompous and rude to other people, she is always kind and affectionate towards Miori. Himeko is the one to defend Miori from Suganuma's constant teasing, and she always looks out from the younger girl and reminds her to do the things that she forgets. Because of this, Miori relies on Himeko a lot.


⇀ Ariyoshi Shinako [ Hashizume || Ariyoshi-senpai ]

Miori thinks Shinako is really cool. She has heard about her days as an S-Rank agent, so she realy wants to see Shinako use Baratoge. After Shinako "betrayed" HQ and was labeled as a traitor, Miori did her best to stick up for her and defend her. Shinako is really grateful for this, and she has been fond of the younger girl ever since then.


⇀ Morimi Kazue [ Miori-chan || Morimi-senpai ]

Miori looks up to Kazue as a fellow handgun user. She knows Kazue was a Gunner before becoming an All-Rounder, so she respects her even more for that. Kazue is excited that someone looks up to her. She even calls Miori her "cute little kōhai," which Miori doesn't like since she is only one year younger.


⇀ Arafune Tetsuji [ Hashizume || Arafune-senpai ]

Miori and Arafune have a good relationship. They got to know each other more because Miori would often come to visit Hanzaki. Arafune takes it upon himself to look after Miori when she's around, even to the point that some people joke that he acts like her mother sometimes. He seems to know her schedule most of the time, as he is often the one to remind her when she needs to do something. She somewhat idolizes him and thinks he is really cool. She always goes to him when she finds really good tea, as she knows he likes tea.


⇀ Hanzaki Yoshito [ Hashizume || Hanzaki-kun ]

Miori and Hanzaki are in the same class, and they have been in the same class for quite some time, so they are good friends. He is probably the one that gets onto her the most about her absentmindedness. Hanzaki was the one to suggest she join Border.


⇀ Mikumo Osamu [ Hashizume-senpai || Megane-kun ]

Miori thinks Mikumo is weak, but she respects him because of his good strategies.


⇀ Kuga Yūma [ Hashizume-senpai || Kuga-kun ]

Yūma likes to tease Miori about her absentmindedness, as he finds it funny. She is interested in the way he fights and how experienced he is. She remembers him as "the guy who beat Arafune-senpai."


⇀ Amatori Chika [ Hashizume-senpai || Amatori-chan ]

Miori is impressed by Chika's overwhelming Trion power, if not a little scared of it. Miori has told Chika that she will make sure Suganuma doesn't pick on her during Sniper practice.


⇀ Akahoshi Miyuki [ Miori-chan || Akahoshi-san ]

They met through Kazue. Since Miori sometimes trains with Kazue, and Kazue sometimes trains with Miyuki, they all decided to just train as a group. Miyuki more so just watches over the two younger girls and gives advice.


  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: She is easily distracted. The people around her have to keep a close eye on her because she often wanders off.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: She is very talented, but she hates working.
  • Ditzy Genius: She is incredibly air-headed and forgetful, but she is a brilliant fighter.
  • Forgetful Jones: She is ridiculously forgetful to the point that people are constantly reminding her to do things.
  • The Gunslinger: She uses a handgun, and she is good at it.
  • Humble Hero: She will always save people in need, but she gets flustered when she is praised for this. She doesn't like being in the spotlight.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Partly due to her Side Effect, she can shoot her handgun with incredible accuracy. She can accurately shoot at a much longer range than most gunners.
  • Laborious Laziness: She will sometimes work so hard to get out of doing something that people wonder why she didn't just do the task given to her, as it could have been less work.
  • Like Brother and Sister: With Hanzaki. They have been friends for a long time, and they are quite close. People will often ask if they are dating, to which they both bluntly deny. In fact, Miori has feelings for Hanzaki's teammate, Arafune. Hanzaki knows this and will sometimes act as her wingman.
  • Mellow Fellow: She hates confrontation, so she mostly just goes with the flow. This can sometimes make her an Extreme Doormat.
  • No Sense Of Direction: Because of her forgetfulness, she has a hard time remembering how to get places and she often gets lost.
  • Performance Anxiety: She can get quite shy in front of people, and she can barely function when she gets in front of a lot of people. She hates when people watch her do things.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: She is lazy and hates working, while her sister is an overachiever and a hard worker.
  • Skilled, but Naive: She is naturally talented and is the ace of her team, but she doesn't have a lot of experience.
  • Successful Sibling Syndrome: Her sister is smart and responsible, and Miori always feels like she is living in her shadow. Miori joined Border so that she could escape her sister's reputation.
  • Who Wears Short Shorts?: Her Border uniform consists of this.

Character Trivia

  • Her favorite food is vegetable stir-fry.
  • Current concern: Narimatsu has been making her run.
  • Her nickname, Tennen (天然) is short for Tennenboke (天然ボケ), which means "natural fool," and is a way to describe an airheaded or forgetful person.
  • She can play piano, which she often does instead of doing things that she really should be doing. She keeps a portable keyboard in the Narimatsu Unit operation room.


(said by Miori)

"That sounds like hard work..."

"It must be nice being A-Rank. You know you're strong." (to Satori)

"I'm feeling confident, Murakami-senpai. Please don't ruin it." (to Murakami during their Rank Battle)

(said by others about/to Miori)

"You don't usually work this hard, Hashizume. What's up?" (by Arafune)

"Yes, have pity on me, Miorin! You should relate to my idiocy, Miss Tennenboke!" (by Suganuma)

"That's our little Miorin! You sound like a real ace." (by Suganuma)

(General dialogue)

Suganuma: Jeez, Miorin. Do you forget how to breathe sometimes?
Miori: I'm not that forgetful!
Suganuma: That's a matter of opinion, I think
