Narimatsu Masami



6 years, 5 months ago



Name || Narimatsu Masami
Kanji || 成松 真己
Meaning || 成松 (narimatsu) means “growing pine,” and 真己 (masami) means “true self.”
Alias || Masamin (まさみん) (by Suganuma)
Gender || Male
Age || 18
Birth date || April 23
Constellation || Felis
Nationality || Japanese
Occupation || Border combatant; high school student
Status || Alive
Affiliation || Border
Branch || HQ
Position || Gunner


Stoic || Quiet || Reliable || Practical || Intimidating
MBTI: ISTJ - The Logistician || Enneagram: Type 6 - The Loyalist

⇀ Description

Narimatsu is a very stoic and serious person. He rarely shows emotion, so when he does, it is surprising to people. He is a quiet guy, choosing not to speak if he can get away with it. Everything he says is very direct and brief, no sugarcoating or dancing around a subject. Because of this, the things he says have more impact. He is known to be very reliable, getting things done without even needing to be asked. His teammates rely on him a lot. He prefers to handle things practically, thinking only in facts and logic. Because of his quiet and serious personality as well as his imposing looks, he is seen as an intimidating person. In reality, he is a bit of a softie. He cares very deeply about the people around him and he is actually very nice, but he just doesn't know how to express himself.

⇀ Stats

Affection || ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Patience || ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Temper || ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sensitivity || ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Creativity || ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Maturity || ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

Generosity || ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Optimism || ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Empathy || ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Logic || ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Bravery || ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Stamina || ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

Intelligence || ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Insight || ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Confidence || ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Politeness || ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Focus || ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Work Ethic || ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

⇀ Preferences


  • Food
  • Gardening
  • Logic


  • Surprises
  • When Miori and Suganuma avoid training
  • Having to look down at people when he talks to them


⇀ Description

Narimatsu is tall and rather imposing, causing people to be a bit afraid of him. He rarely shows emotion, so he often just looks angry. He has short black hair and gray eyes. In his Trion form, he wears a green double-breasted jacket with gold buttons and black stripes along the sleeves. The unit's emblem is located on the right side of the chest, and Border's emblem is on either shoulder. He also has black pants and black shoes. He wears two brown belts, one that holds his handgun.

⇀ Important Notes

Triggers and Abilities

⇀ Triggers

Asteroid: This Narimatsu's Trigger of choice with his assault rifle.

Meteora: He uses this Trigger for widespread damage.

Hound: Narimatsu is a unique gunner for the fact that he uses both an assault rifle and a hundgun. He uses Hound with his handgun.

Shield: He uses this to cover his blind spots and to support his teammates.

Escudo: As the direct combatants of Narimatsu Unit are Gunners, this Trigger is useful for providing solid cover to fire behind.

Starmaker: He uses this in conjunction with Hound through his handgun. He will use this Trigger on someone who is trying to escape. That way, when they turn on Bagworm, he and he teammates will be able to see them and surprise them.

Bagworm: Like most Border agents, he uses this for stealth.

MainAsteroid (Assault rifle)Meteora (Assault rifle)ShieldStarmaker
SubHound (Handgun)ShieldEscudoBagworm

⇀ Statistics

TrionAttackDefense/SupportMobilitySkillRangeCommandSpecial TacticsTotal

⇀ Other abilities

Calmness: He stays calm and collected no matter what, which is beneficial for leading his team. He is always able to think clearly and devise a plan. It is also useful because his opponents can't read him.


⇀ Background

Narimatsu and Suganuma have been friends since they were eight years old. They became friends when Narimatsu saved Suganuma from some bullies. Suganuma was annoying the bullies with his infuriating personality, so they tried to beat him up. Narimatsu had was quite feared because of frightening appearance, so he used that to get the bullies to leave. Ever since then, the two boys have been best friends. When they were 15, they joined Border together, and when they reached B-Rank, they formed a unit along with Inamine Himeko. They were consistently in the lower group of the B-Rank units in the following years, as they didn't have much drive to rise in rank. After Hashizume Miori joined three years later when they were B-Rank No.19, they realized that they could become very strong with her on the team. After that, they rose in rank to be B-Rank No.09 at the start of the current Rank Battle season.

⇀ Family

He has a father, mother, and a younger sister named Masako.

⇀ Other Relationships

Teammates: Hashizume Miori, Suganuma Toshiki, Inamine Himeko (operator)

⇀ Important Moments

  • At age 8, Narimatsu met Suganuma Toshiki, and they became friends.
  • At age 15, Narimatsu joined Border as a Gunner.
  • At age 15, Narimatsu formed Narimatsu Unit with Suganuma and Inamine Himeko.
  • At age 18, Narimatsu Unit rose to B-Rank No. 09 after Hashizume Miori joined.


 ⇀Hashizume Miori [ Narimatsu-senpai || Hashizume ]
Miori has a lot of respect for her captain. Narimatsu is very confident in Miori's abilities, and he believes that she will only get stronger. Because of this, he is always pushing her to train (though she runs away a lot). He is very patient with her, even when she starts to forget things. He often works with Himeko to keep an eye on her. Miori looks up to Narimatsu, though he says that her admiration is misplaced. However, she hates when he forces her to train, and she thinks he looks intimidating sometimes.
 ⇀Suganuma Toshiki [ Masamin || Toshi ]
Narimatsu and Suganuma have been friends since they were eight years old, and they are very close. Narimatsu seems to be the only one who can consistently put up with Suganuma's personality, and he is also the only one who seems to be able to control him.
 ⇀Inamine Himeko [ Narimatsu-senpai || Inamine ]
Himeko respects Narimatsu. Himeko normally bosses other people around, but she doesn't try to boss Narimatsu around. She relies on him to keep Suganuma in line since Suganuma rarely listens to her.
 ⇀Arafune Tetsuji [ Narimatsu || Arafune ]
Narimatsu and Arafune are friends.


Character Trivia

  • His favorite food is grilled salmon.
  • Current concern: People tease him about having a girly name.


(said by Narimatsu)

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(said by others about/to Narimatsu)

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(General dialogue)

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