
2 years, 4 months ago


Name: Vixy

Species: Delphox

Trainer: Catrina Laurent

Status: Alive

Main Moveset: Flamethrower, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Calm Mind

Ability: Blaze - Powers up Fire-type moves when the Pokémon is in trouble

Nature + Characteristic: Modest + Alert to sounds

Vixy is Catrina’s starter and ace Pokemon. She and Catrina are best friends, and Vixy hasn’t left her side since they met. Vixy is very often seen walking with Catrina rather than staying in her capsule. As she was the first Pokemon on the team and got to meet each member as they joined, she feels a sense of responsibility to protect her teammates. She cares for each of them deeply, and describes them as a family.
Vixy is similar to Catrina in personality, being energetic, friendly, loyal, and determined. She has a great will to protect others and gets very attached to others rather quickly. She’s brave and fierce in battle, taking pride in being one of the Champion’s Pokemon. She likes making jokes and laughing and seems to have a hard time holding still, constantly walking, hopping, or even just flicking her tail around.
Vixy currently reigns alongside her trainer and teammates as the Kalos champions.