


6 years, 9 months ago



Where to start with this little hell demon….Calamity is chaos in carnet playing tricks causing trouble shredding things. Let’s just say she is not aloud out of the void realm very often. She is an utter hand full to keep track of and managed there are only two people she listen two. Vex as she is the guardian of the realm and Nightmare who she secretly has a crush on and wishes she had his dream power to go with him. Just think the ability to scare people in their dreams. She’s chaos she’s troublesome but she is not evil….normally. she really doesn’t like hurting other people not lasting at least as that gets her in trouble she just like to frighten others and break things. Able to appear in and manipulate in any shadow no matter how small and utter control of hell fire (witch can burn stone!) Calamity is the closest thing you can get to a hell spawn and still call it sane. She chews everything to shreds she can get her jaws on and it really doesn’t matter what it is. Bone, meat, leather, stone her sharp teeth and strong jaw she can chew diamonds if she really wanted to. Always with a wicked grin on her face it’s just best to stay as far away from calamity as possible unless you have really good healing factor or a very large cup of patience. She does have her uses she is really good at defending her self and handles infestation on the black opal mine in the realm actual enjoying the hunts in the dark and the thrill of the hunt. Lucky for her she is more than crabbily of chewing to shreds anything that gets in the miens be it banshees, void rats, or even other dragons that have turned to killing machines. don’t let her size fool you she is a blood hungry little brute. Heck I think she can actual eat ghosts!

But she is loved none the less

Wow very passive aggressive