


6 years, 6 months ago



Nightmare is the oldest of Dex personal servants and is her representative in vex realm of the dead and the void realm. He is not malicious in nature quite the opposite he is friendly and caring. His man job is t control the amount of night mare experienced in in the dream plain of mortal. Supposed to create more when there is a lack but he has never done such and Dex never forces him to. One of the things her other two servant are slightly upset with as they see it as nightmare getting away with not ding his job. Yet dex would rather there be to little night mares then to many. Nightmare has a special interest in the dreams of kids often preferring to monitor the dream plain of younger mortals to make sure they do not experience anything to dark. Or to see the warning signs of those in trouble in the waking world. It was how he first found mystic who cares for kids in hospitals. He had a deep interest in such a caring dream walker. And brought them to Dex attention. Dex and mystic are close friends through nightmare.

as the oldest and strongest of Dex three servants a lot of responsibility falls to nightmare as he is often targeted by strife and dex father over wear about and other such matters one reason he resided in the vid realm out side of both there reach yet night mare will not back down when it comes to doing his job. He has covered for dex in the past and acts more like an older brother then a servant to the young god. Often times letting the god rest in his mental space or even forcing her two when he sees she is pushing her self to hard.  Among her servant’s nightmare is in a rather odd relations with Daydream teasing and joking with each other. Nightmare does not let this distract him form his job but it is a solid means to get vital information from among Strife servants as daydream and her sister muse are both stationed among the plain of light strife dominion.