Shiro Yamaguchi



2 years, 1 month ago


Shiro Yamaguchi

Shiro /しろい / White

A young adult, who always seems to be up in his own head. Shiro is kind, a bit airheaded, and overall caring towards those around him. He's serious when he needs to be, but otherwise retains that upbeat persona.

Shiro Yamaguchi
Dogsitter/Hobby Store Employee
Neutral Good
Upbeat, Sharp
Healthy, but small

Shiro always had a love for anything to do with fantasy worlds. As a kid, he would spend his time daydreaming away, thinking of what the world would be like if it was anything like the games he played. He got picked on a lot due to it, but he never let it get to him. Too much. One of those kids just so happened to be Kuro Hayashi, a person he met in his high school years.

Life could be better, he supposed. The teasing was less than accepted, but Shiro didn't do much against it. So, off he went again, to think about a world further away from his own.

not so sour after all

For a month in high school, Shiro decided he had enough of the whole bullying thing. So, he walked up to those who had picked on him for so long. They spat out more words, and eventually, Shiro hit one of them. A fight broke out, which Kuro broke up. He told his friends to go away, and looked back at Shiro. The two just, kinda stared at each other for a while.

"You're so, so stupid," the former hissed.
Shiro blinked. " saved my ass."
"I saved my own skin. We all would've been in trouble if I didn't interfere."

Against better judgement, the two spoke for some time. Kuro was bitter, but significantly less now that they were alone. He began to crawl out of his shell, and in turn, Shiro emerged from his. Shiro would tell Kuro about his thoughts, about the worlds he's created and the countless notebooks he's filled with ideas, and Kuro would listen. Sometimes, he'd even pitch in a question or two followed by a degrading remark. Though it stung, Shiro didn't take it personally.
As they finished, Shiro held his palm out for a handshake. Kuro looked at his gloved hand, then Shiro, and walked away.
...maybe another day, Shiro thought.

warming up

In school, Kuro and Shiro were seen as rivals, almost. The two spat insults at each ther in the hallway and got in trouble nearly every time. When school hours ended, they left campus to chat with each other. Sometimes, Kuro would help Shiro with any upcoming work, and in turn, Shiro could rant about his fictional words and such. One day, he even brought his dog. Kuro kept a steel face the entire time, but a brief grin wasn't missed by Shiro.
The two were getting closer, so when Shiro asked if Kuro wanted to stay over, he didn't feel hesitant or anything. Kuro looked at the boy with that thousand yard stare of his, before slowly nodding.
His parents treated Kuro kindly. The night was amazing, and Shiro had the best time of his life just messing around with his new companion.

That evening, Kuro came up with a question of his own.
"Do you want to join me during this year's homecoming?"
Shiro said yes without hesitation.

final puzzle piece

On that night, Shiro was panicking. Formal gatherings were never his thing, so he looked like a mess, to put it nicely. He slapped on the nicest clothes he could, took his signature purple dice, and walked out the door. He didn't tell his parents, and instead, hitched a ride on...
...his dad's bike. In his mind, he already looked goofy. The school's laughing stock showing up to homecoming was already funny enough, so he decided he really couldn't get any worse. The reaction from his peers was as expected. Laughter.
Shiro didn't mind, though, he only valued the opinion of one person here.

Shiro disappeared behind the main building, where he found Kuro leaning against the building. The latter was dressed in a formal suit, and needless to say, he looked amazing.
"I didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea," Kuro explained. "So, I brought us here. It's quiet."
Shiro nods in response. "Well, since we're alone," he hummed, clicking his phone open and playing something from his playlist. "May I have this dance?"
Kuro looked at Shiro's hand, hen him, much like the first time they spoke. Except this time, he took it.
It was one hell of a night. Shiro never guessed such a stoic person could dance so well, not that he was complaining. He felt like he was on cloud nine; his insides felt warm and soft.

When the music ended, Shiro spoke a single sentence. One that would basically change his entire life from here on out.
"I think I like you. A lot."
Kuro stared back with that poker face of his.
"...I do, too."
It was a little more complicated than that, but by the end of the night, Shiro knew he wouldn't be spending his last high school years alone.


fuzzy stuff


the cold


Very good at masking his emotions, and uses this to his advantage. In card games
Straightforward when he needs to be, will just give you how it is without a filter
Excited about the smallest things sometimes lol

Shiro collects things. A lot of things. His parents used to travel the world until they had him, and his father collected little trinkets during his journies. In turn, Shiro picked up his hobby. He has a growing collection he keeps on his beside table.

Designer Plut0nium
Current Worth  NFT
  • Necklace pendant can either be a purple D20 or a paw symbol
  • Dull blue eyes
  • Hair split down the middle
  • FUCK symmetry all my homies hate symmetry

Kuro Hayashi  boyfriend 

Kuro used to be a person Shiro loathed with all his soul, but over time, the two have warmed up to each other. Now, they're practically inseperable. They do their best to hide their relationship in public, appearing the same as always to the college they attend.

Madoka Yamaguchi  Father 

Madoka is one of the few people Shiro tells about him and Kuro's relationship. He was confused, and borderline disapproving of it at first, but warmed up after long. Though growing old, he checks in on his son as often as he can, and the two have a healthy relationship.

Yuki Toketsu  Best Friend 

Shiro's wingman and friend from across the continent. Yuki helped Shiro during the first half of his and Kuro's relationship, and served as an emotional guide for the young boy. The two are close as glue, and plan to meet up in person eventually.