Kuro Hayashi



2 years, 30 days ago


Kuro Hayashi

Kuro / 黒い / Black


Kuro Hayashi
True Neutral
Cool, Aloof

Kuro is a part of a hidden family, settled deep within the woods of the continent they live on. They're renowned as expert hunters, and Kuro is no different. Each one is given an attribute to assist them in the hunt. In Kuro's case, he was granted a third eye that allows him to see through walls and the bark of trees during night. Almost any hunt he completes ends in success, thanks to his father's mentoring.

The hunt begins

As Kuro hit his teen years, his father and sister worked together for some time. So, when his dad was called out for an expedition out on a distant arctic wasteland, he was left with his mom. His mom, for lack of a better word, was absent in Kuro's childhood. So, instead of staying with a mother that didn't pay attention to him, he turned his attention back to hunting.

Go figure, he couldn't really hunt forever. Kuro's mom enrolled him in a neary school, much to his dismay. Then again, he couldn't really do much about it. So, on the first day, he stayed as far away from people as possible. For some reason this had the opposite effect and a giant group soon formed itself around him. Fun. He couldn't stand the nature of the kids in the school. Though, the people around him expressed that on his behalf. In a way, Kuro had accidentally formed a whole gang.

Things were fine for some time. That is, until a two-toned haired boy found himself caught in the fray of his group's belittling. He didn't think anything of it, but he felt... bad. So, one day, he stepped in.

growing trust

In the early days of their friendship, Kuro did his best to hide away from Shiro. Somehow, the latter always seemed to find him. This time, Kuro was out camping in his backyard when he saw the outline of a figure in the distance. He whipped around, bow drawn, only to realize he was aiming the arrowhead right between his friend's eyes. With a gruff huff, Kuro lowered the bow and sat back down.

Shiro commented he saw cameras and other objects set up in the woods, and asked Kuro about it. Kuro explained the whole hunting thing, which Shiro listened to intently. After he was done, Shiro asked if Kuro could teach him archery. It was a sign of trust to the three-eyed boy, so he agreed. Training would begin tomorrow, he told Shiro.

walls fall down

Before Kuro knew it, the school year was reaching an end. Prior to the mindset he started with, he dreaded the end of it all. He feared he wouldn't see Shiro, or any of his other friends, ever again. So, he thought of a plan. Shiro had become his best friend, but Kuro felt something else stirring within his brain. So, he asked him out to prom. As per expected, Shiro said yes.

Kuro knew people would be swarming the main gym, so he chose a spot behind the building and told Shiro to meet him there. After their dance under the stars, Shiro told Kuro he liked him. As in, more than a friend.
Kuro was shocked, of course, but after the inital surprise wore off, he confirmed he felt the same.
His mother would be a problem, though. She wouldn't approve of their relationship in the slightest, but Kuro was ready to fight for what, or who, he loved.


skipping stones


crowded places
closed spaces
slugs and snails


Kuro only hunts to eat. Only when game is plentiful is when he'll consider doing it for fun.
Practices meditation from time to time, often before a big day
Quiet and overall aloof, but there's a ton going on in this dude's brain like wtf

Kuro is a soft-spoken individual, but does speak. Quite a bit, actually. He's extrodinarily smart, and isn't afraid to let that fact be known. Even then, he doesn't really try and prove he's smarter than others. Some people know more than him, and that's okay in Kuro's mind.

Designer Plut0nium
Current Worth NFO
  • Three eyes with 'x' shaped white pupils in the middle
  • Eyes CAN glow in the dark
  • Usually wears boots of some kind
  • Wears glasses

Shiro Yamaguchi  Boyfriend 

Kuro used to see Shiro as a thorn in his side for some time until the two got closer. Go figure, things went from there, and now the two are dating. Nowadays, Kuro does anything he can to help Shiro, while also maintaining his own personal needs. He loves him with all his heart.

Kitsuen Kagami  Sister 

After Kit went on a trip overseas with their dad, Kuro hasn't kept in contact with her much. The two aren't as close as they used to be, but still retain a bit of that bond.

TBN  Father 

Kuro's dad has been absent for some time on an expedition overseas. The two stay in contact as much as possible, with Kuro's dad sharing info about the icy land he finds himself on. Overall, the two have a pretty good father-son relationship.