


2 years, 1 month ago


I love this man so much, you have no idea. Like, look at the design??? Perfection! So good, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Normally I only get characters if I can immediately figure out where to put them in my story but I WILL MAKE ROOM FOR THIS BOYO, HE IS THAT GOOD

i love him 😭

Palloc is what some would call a conspiracy theorist. He prefers the term "avid theorizer", but concedes that some floss might not see them as such.

  • Tends to have a resting neutral expression. Palloc usually only displays real emotion through body language, when startled/surprised, or when making an effort to do so.
  • Palloc's lack of facial emoting leads most people to assume that Palloc is cold, but it's quite the opposite. They're usually just very deep in thought, and can be quite charming when you can drag them out of their newest theory.
  • Compares theorizing to sewing something together
  • Uses spider-web yarn on their conspiracy board
  • Enjoys sewing plushies! Palloc will often idly create plushies while working through his thoughts, or uses them for illustration purposes. Palloc tends to donate whatever he makes to local children's charities.
  • Palloc tends to refer to themself using they/them pronouns, but still associates with he/him pronouns. They don't have a preference as to what pronouns other people refer to him with.


Pronouns: They/He

Sexuality/Identities: Demisexual, Heterosexual, Genderflux (Boyflux), Identifies as Male

Species: Candyfloss

Subspecies: Peppermintfloss

Clan: Beta


  • Blank Coat Type
  • 3 Marking Areas, 1 Green (Another Green and a Pink? A Pink and a Blue? Unclear)
  • 3rd Color in Palette
  • Neighboring Color in Palette
  • Studs
  • 3 Halos
  • 6 Horns
  • Spikes
  • Uncommon Spike Area
  • Prosthetic Limbs
  • Rare Prosthetic Limb Placement
  • Plant Material Type
  • Beta Clan Craft Material Type
  • Dice Eye Type
  • Rare and Legendary Eye Placement Areas