Elena Braid



2 years, 4 months ago


Basic Info
Elena Braid
Lennie / Else
3rd August
1,72 m
Half German, Half French
Voice Claim
Erica Mendez
  • Cooking
  • Gardening
  • Bunnies
  • Cosplay - from anime, games and movies
  • Sleeping
  • Accessories
  • Spending time outside
  • Relaxing music
  • Savory foods
  • Needles
  • Waking up early
  • Her secrets being shared
  • Fake and immature people
  • Being treated highly - example like royalty
  • Being left behind
  • Elena is the youngest of four siblings.
  • She learned how to cook through her father Bruce at age 7.
  • Elena enjoys interacting and helping people, even if they aren't her friends.
  • Diagnosed with rapid mood swings at a young age.
  • She has a hard-working and influential mindset.
  • Elena has very well manners around family, but not friends.
Emotional . Energetic . Flirty . Strong Willed

She's a girl full of emotions. Most of the time, you would see her happy, but she can be more sad, angry or scared than that. Once you get to know her, she can not only be a fun person to hang around with, but a very understanding and reasonable person, although she cannot be quite honest about herself at times. She would get embarrassed when some of her private stuff gets exposed or even pissed, when it's something, you aren't allowed to know about. Elena is a very strong willed person, so if she wants to do something or wants to make a difference, she goes for it in the most possible way she can. But sometimes she can be quite of a foul mouth, whilst she cusses a lot. Around her friends, she's the one, that makes the others confident for their future. While she's with her husband, Elena is more of the flirty-teasing type, but sometimes she doesn't know when to stop.


Elena is the youngest of her family. Her parents are both self-made milionaires, so she was one of the four children, who grew up with a very rich surounding. She was born safely and healthily. At home, she was one of the quiet children. She didn't cry as much as her older siblings, when they were babies. In fact, growing up, she was quite shy to a lot of new people, even if a lot of them meant no harm. She was very influenced by her parents of what is right. With her father by being a great cook and be the important part of the family, that she will have in the future. And with her mother.. being the dominant mother figure. She got along well with her older siblings, especially her sister and her eldest brother. Over the years, Elena has started to grow way more emotions, than she had before, even if she was still very shy. Overtime, she started to open up more to people around her age. Her friends were the best thing for her to happen, so her childhood was perfect enough for her. Until, she was becoming more and more emotional, where she would switch emotions rapidly, which scared a few kids at her school. She was diagnosed by the doctors and has gotten medication and medical therapy for her problem. Her mental health had only gotten worse, when many of Elena's school friends, outside of her close group were distancing themselves from her due to her rapid mood swings. Unfortunately on top, Anastasia left the country for a long time over a horrible incident, making Elena believe it was her fault. She doesn't like talking about her personal things, which made her dishonest about herself. Which then resolved of her being distant from her siblings. Because of her problems, she has a lot of mood swings, when she's stressed. She can be either absolutely happy or very furious and so on. As she grew older, she learned to control her moods and feels like a normal human being, stable enough to go to highschool, where she saw all of her friends again. And by the time Elena got better, she tried to make another friend, who happened to be a loner kid, refered as S for now. He might have not been one of the popular teens, Elena still supported him with his issues. In her adulthood, she had felt a little desperate for physical connections. When she tried to have said intimacy with S, it only worked once, before he ended up leaving right after while she was sleeping. This event formed the rumor that Elena only has an interest in having sex and taking advantage of them. This made her doubt herself completely, going so depressed she shut herself away from everyone. This broke her to the point, where she felt like there was no return. Fortunately she was stopped by her brothers from an attempt to end her life. Elena was then coming clean to her siblings, feared by how they will react. Her siblings had her full support regardless, which encouraged Elena to be more open with her family again. To cope with it, she went on tours and events with her individual older siblings, that was relating to their interests in order to feel close to them and rebuild the relationships. Along with it, Elena invested some of her money to attend university to get a direction back to a stable life. In the first year, she meets a guy called Lucas, who goes to the same course as her. They start to date after a while, until she sees how often he picks on people, she dumpts Lucas immediately. He had been trying to make advances on her to try to win her back, but he declined every chance, which had since been going on until her second semester. Elena along with Emma then took a trip to the town, where the university was located. However during that trip Emma was bombarded with paparazzi, so much so that Elena she needed to get out for a bit. That's when she got into an unexpected conversation with two taller guys, who introduced themselves as André and Anthony. André was more of a nitpicky person, Anthony however was a lot more approachable but still a little shy. During the chitchat, she unfortunately had to leave since Emma was finally done dealing with her admirers, but something about Anthony already seemed to click for her. Weeks later at the university, Elena was trying to find Anastasia since the building was so big, they lost each other. During the search she bumped into a guy, who she recognised was Anthony. Surprised to see him the second time, she was a bit more calm talking to Anthony. However Anthony took a flirtatious and teasing approach, in which Elena was so confused by the sudden change in his personality, giving of a bad second impression. During their shared lectures, Elena didn't want to be too hard on Anthony, even when the teasing was really annoying her. But when she found out that Anthony instead developed feelings for Anastasia, her heart dropped. She knew they weren't a thing, but just the thought of it made her shatter, causing her to be jealous of Anastasia. However Elena then eventually learned to accept their relationship, until it ended in a span of a month. Elena was concerned for both of them, but Anastasia never messaged her back, so she took a different approach and went to Anthony instead. He tells her that he had miscommunications with Anastasia as well, feeling as he has been led on by her. Elena knew that Anastasia doesn't have many relationship experiences and doesn't understand things on an emotional level, but she emphasized with Anthony and apologized for her own miscommunication with him. After that they took things slow and became proper friends. Both of them started to really get along, practically becoming inseperable, but as soon as the romantic feelings developed, things got pretty awkward, especially when they were alone. Elena was admitting to herself, that she did fall for Anthony, but she never found a proper time to confess until a uni friend of theirs named Timothy announced a house party. She took the chance and convinced Timothy to provide her with a guest room beforehand. However things got bad when after the confession, Anastasia was getting harassed by a drunk student, who knocked out Elena with a glas bottle when she tried to help Anastasia out. The events that happened after, she has no memory of. The people who brought her to the hospital were Anthony and Anastasia. But Anthony was looking out for her the most. Elena is still very grateful for him to this very day and is so happy to call him hers.

Erik Braid | Older Brother

"Erik is quite intimidating at first glance, but believe me he's a very nice person! He's gentle and caring, even when his occupation says otherwise. Poor guy has gone through a lot.. on top of all the responsibility he has to carry now. Whenever I hear glas shattering, I already know he's nervous again. If only he wouldn't underestimate his strength.. He's had enough with the scars."

Eligah Napulio | Older Brother

"Eligah is way too quiet, it feels irritating. However I can't blame him, he isn't much of a talker anyway and when you force him to speak, he lashes out. At night, when he is not writing a book, I always hear him play his guitar on the roof top. Whenever I can't sleep, I'll accompany him and just relax with him without holding any conversation. I think he likes it that way."

Emma Napulio | Older Sister

"Emma is a very sweet person, however some days I absolutely can't stand her. She always teases me whenever I go out by myself, assuming I'm hanging out with a certain 'someone, it's annoying! Then again, she does help me out a lot when it comes to clothing, since most of my outfits and cosplays are handcrafted by her."

Luciana Kurai | Best Friend

"Luciana is really sweet, but also quite the mystery. I mean, my brother Eligah knows a lot more about her than I ever could, I was still a child when I first met her. Whenever we are hanging out with other friends, she is calm and motherly. But as soon as Eligah is near her, Luci acts like a completely different person like holy shit- ..Anyway, Luciana is very caring as well, always ready to help me and Anita out most of the time. Hehe, you could really say she's the mum in our group."

Anita Orlow | Best Friend

"Anita and I are like two peas in a pod. We share similar experiences when it comes to our first ever failed relationships. When I first met her, she was getting isolated by our other classmates back in school. Wanna know the reason? Anita has two different eye colors. Seriously? Kids were bullying her for something that makes her so grogeously unique?? Geez! Then again, kids do be kids. When we got older, she started using colored contact for each individual eye. With blue eyes only, Anita was showing her sporty and energetic side. With brown eyes only, she can capitvate her more mature side. Honestly, I love her for the way she is. Why hide the very thing, that makes you one of the most unique indiviuals ever?"

Anastasia Dialo | Best Friend

"I've known Anastasia for just as long as I've known Anita. We're polar opposites when it comes to likes and interests, but that's what makes such so inseperable to begin with! I used to believe that the reason she left years ago was because of my mood swings.. I couldn't look at myself the same way anymore after this. When I saw her again many years later, I was both happy.. and devastated. I broke down in front of her, but my crying also made her cry so we spent a good minute crying, hehe. By coincidence we ended up going to the same university together! During the time we spent at uni, we.. kind of started crushing on the same guy. When he was dating Anastasia, I felt.. jealous. I didn't want to be in their way, but when they broke up, Anastasia didn't want to talk to me for a month.. I hope she doesn't offend her if I started dating this guy.. Sigh.."

Anthony Gromow | Boyfriend/Husband

"I met Anthony quite unexpectedly, since I was dealing with my sister being bombarded by paparazzi. However he seemed really nice.. and kind of cute. What really surprised me is when I saw him at the exact same university I was attending and he was really nervious around other people but me. Pfft, that dork. During a birthday party, I was playing a drinking game and.. I was dared to kiss someone. You could guess who that was. After that we got into a lot of intimately awkward situations before we even dated, hehehe. Damn, I love him.. ♡"

"André was pretty rude when I got to hang out with Anthony more. He always tagged along because he didn't trust me at first. However.. he's gotten a change of heart and started to warm up to me. What can I say? Hard shell, soft core!"

Julia Lopez | Sister in Law

"Julia is honestly a saint. When Erik first brought her home while Emma moved out of our parent's mansion, leaving only me and him there, she was basically the woman he was looking for. Erik once had a terrible relationship with a girl who has a name, that only speaks red flags by default. But not Julia. She values everyone here in the family, even those who got married into ours. Whenever I feel conflicted and don't know how to handle the more closed up people, I always ask her for advice."